The Advantages of Investing in ICO and the Competitive Edge offered by OPP Open WiFi — Part 3

OPP Open WiFi
OPP Open WiFi
Published in
4 min readAug 24, 2018

In modern society, you cannot deny the fact that the current ICO market is transforming the world we live in today, and the hype and excitement surrounding it is only causing more and more people to get on board.

Last week we looked at some of the advantages of ICO investing and the competitive edge offered by OPP Open WiFi. This week, we will conclude our series and look at 4 final factors to consider if you are looking to invest in a worthy ICO.

What to Search for when Investing in an ICO

1) The public demand for the company’s token

First of all, the people investing into the business must have some sort of faith that it will succeed. As such, when you research the company you are considering investing in, you have to ensure that they either already have high demand, or have the potential for high demand.

Furthermore, the public cannot only trust the company itself, but must also have complete faith that the token which they are promoting is performing a function that is crucial to the daily running of the business. Some companies use tokenization only as a means to raise funds via ICO, rather than creating one that actually helps the business.

However, at OPP Open WiFi we offer a token that not only improves our day-to-day running of the business, but also benefits you, the customer. Our token makes you feel personally involved in our company, as we are paying you for your unused data. There is a reason that we have already had an outstanding response from our customer-based survey, and based on this, our current high demand situation is only going to grow.

2) The value of the token

Secondly, the actual value of the token that you are investing into is something to consider. If the coin cannot be used then it will not have value. Here, you have to ask yourself a few questions to see if the coin is right for you:

Where can it be spent?

Are you getting your moneys worth?

There are hundreds of companies who have created coins just for the sake of fundraising; therefore beyond fundraising they have little or no function, and therefore little or no value.

At OPP, we have designed an eco-system centred on our on line portal. Hotspot Hosts and community members are able to log on and see daily payments of OPP coming in to their account and then decide where to spend it. Our portal allows users to change OPP in to fiat, credit their bank accounts, credit their OPP credit card or simply go shopping on our on line mall and buys products from the world’s best known retailers like Amazon, Skyscanner etc.

3) A Strong, Coherent and Well-Thought-Out Roadmap

A clear roadmap is crucial when you are looking to invest in an ICO. A roadmap allows the team to detail their next steps, their forthcoming fund distribution and what you, as an investor, should expect in the future.

Furthermore, it allows the product strategy to be communicated across the business. This means that all employees and stakeholders alike have a full understanding of what the company’s vision actually is.

We stick true to this; our team has mapped out our next 9 months in depth, which is readily accessible on our Whitepaper, in an easy-to-read and simple format. As such, you can fully grasp what we are offering, and therefore feel confident in investing into our idea.

4) An Experienced, Accessible and Well-Established Team

Perhaps one of the most crucial things to look at — the token you are investing in must have a credible team behind it. There are many ways to establish this; you can look at the company’s whitepaper or search their LinkedIn profiles and ensure that this is an organisation that you can put your complete confidence in.

At OPP, we have a team of gifted technicians and communicators who offer advice and assistance within the ICO. We assess every situation with a very much hands on approach, and as such we use a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to evaluate our competitive position, and analyse what areas we need to improve in.

We had to pick a team that would benefit all corners of the business and be able to tackle any hurdles that got thrown to us. As such, we hold a diverse range of portfolios from students to Technology Advisors, to ensure we have different perspectives to any situation.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, there are a number of factors which you need to consider when investing into an ICO.

Make sure you understand what the business actually does.

Make sure you understand how the token helps the business to work.

Ask yourself, are you happy to be a customer of this business? If you would use the product or service offered by the business behind the ICO, then so would hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, just like you. This is a strong indicator that you are looking at a good ICO!

Read the White Paper — if it is confusing mumbo jumbo walk away, if it makes sense read more!

These simple steps can help you make terrific profits from this new and exciting form of investing. Good luck!



OPP Open WiFi
OPP Open WiFi

Our mission is to expand our WiFi community starting with the UK then Europe and across the world with a view of creating a free open network for anybody to use