Weekly Progress Report

OPP Open WiFi
OPP Open WiFi
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2018

Hi all,

It has been in interesting week and again, much has been achieved, allow me to summarise.

Top 15 Entrepreneur prediction

The well respected publication Entrepreneur Europe featured OPP Open WiFi this week whilst writing an article about ICO, token utility and the opportunities they present. They went on to compile a list of this summer’s ICO opportunities which they describe thus:

“As we filter through hundreds of new projects, some stick out due to their business models, token utilities, or innovative concepts that hope to redefine industry standards. Here are fifteen token sales that caught our eye, in no particular order.”

There we were, proud and prominent in this summer’s hot picks. You can read the article here.

Security checks on smart contract code

Our programmers have all but finished security testing and will deploy our smart contract on the Ethereum main network during the next few days, at which point our Smart contract address will be generated and ready for us to publish on Github.

Spotlight on both Jared Polites and George Han

We are delighted to feature articles on 2 of our esteemed team experts this week. Both Jared Polites and George Han were kind enough to take the time to chat with us to produce a brief written interview which we have widely published. We at OPP Open WiFi are very lucky to count Jared and George as team members and we appreciate their enthusiasm and hands-on approach.

Later this week you will see our interview with “Jorge Rodriguez” our security consultant. This gentleman is fascinating. Look out for the article and learn more about us

Facebook growth to just shy of 2k

Facebook growth has been entirely organic this week. In the last 2 weeks our following has swelled close to 2000, which is a wonderful reflection on the enthusiasm of you and the rest of us who make up our community. Thank you for helping us spread the word. At OPP Open WiFi we are passionately motivated to grow our project quickly.

Launch of referral program

In advance of our Bounty program we are also excited about the launch our referral program this week. This will call to action those of you who are happy to help us spread the word and of course, we will pay you handsomely for that help! Word of mouth marketing is the best you can get. We’re asking you to help us get the word out amongst your social networks. With your help we want 500 million people to learn about us. If you can help us to achieve that then we know that we will find those 25 million Hotspot Hosts that we need to make our community and our eco-system economy strong, healthy and ready to serve all of us for many years to come.

About our eco system

As you know, we aim to recruit 25 million Smartphone users to join our community of Hotspot Hosts. In order for us to persuade that many of you to join us we are going to need to talk to 500 million people over the next 4 years. Of course, when I say “talk to” I really mean to broadcast via many of the social channels available today. To find 25 million Hotspot Hosts may sound crazily ambitious, but it is it? We don’t think so. Not crazy at all. 25 Million represents 1% of the Smartphone users active today. All of those Smartphone users are paying a monthly bill — we just need to find 1% who are happy to let us pay some of that bill for them! Seems a lot easier now — would you agree?

In year 1 we will take around 370 tokens per Hotspot Host from our token reserve to the Hotspot Host eco system (micro economy, tokenomics) for making payments to each Hotspot Host.

In year 2 we will reduce the number of tokens we introduce per Hotspot Host, which will restrict the supply and therefore increase the demand. We expect this to have a positive effect on the value of the token. We believe the value of the OPP could rise well above $10 USD, and as the ecosystem matures even come close to $40 USD.

This give gives our HODLR’S a terrific return on long term holdings and gives each Hotspot Hosts fantastic monthly spending power in exchange for their unused data (bandwidth)! Please see our white paper for more information about our tokenomincs and eco system.

(Note, this is not financial advice and is purely based on internal price projections. Please consult a qualified financial advisor to assist with investment decisions)

On average we will allocate 190 tokens from our token reserve for each Hotspot Host that joins us. These tokens will then be added to our eco system and be used to pay our community members for sharing data, reading sponsored messages and promoting OPP Open WiFi.


Hotspot Hosts can monetise their unused data.

Hotspot users can access open, free and safe WiFi hotspots with no barriers.

Advertisers can share their chosen messages only with those audience members who have agreed to see them — which means much more focused and cost-effective advertising for them.

This is what makes OPP Open WiFi such an important project —everybody taking part in this project will benefit — it makes everybody’s day that little bit easier!



OPP Open WiFi
OPP Open WiFi

Our mission is to expand our WiFi community starting with the UK then Europe and across the world with a view of creating a free open network for anybody to use