Volunteer Spotlight: Júlia Falarini

Awo Adu
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2022

For this volunteer spotlight, we spoke with Júlia Falarini about her experience with Oppia as an Outreachy Intern in Brazil. Currently, Júlia works as a UX Designer on the Global Team and is the Team Lead of Oppia Brazil.

A photo of Júlia Falarini, a volunteer at Oppia based in São Paulo, Brazil.

Júlia, a passionate education advocate, was born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil. Upon graduating from the State University of Campinas in 2021, she began her career in architecture. Shortly thereafter, she pivoted into graphic design within the technology field. She was inspired to volunteer at Oppia because she wanted to explore her interests in both technology and design, while also contributing to a positive change in the world.

“I am really committed to [Oppia] because we create worldwide change. Oppia is one of my passions now. Seeing [other volunteers], who could be doing anything else in their lives…making an effort to improve education access is really nice.”

Júlia believes that it is important now, more than ever, to invest in educating the youth. The COVID-19 pandemic greatly impacted the infrastructure of schools worldwide, and consequently, education access for the youth. Specifically in Brazil, many students were without the internet or technology needed to learn the school curriculum. Seeing how closely the pandemic impacted youth education in Brazil, Júlia felt even more empowered and motivated by Oppia’s mission.

When asked what she would want readers to know about, Julia settled upon this meaningful call to action:

“When people read this, they should be encouraged to donate their time wherever they can help. It’s a good feeling being a part of something such as Oppia. Donations are important, but donating your time is important too.”

We are so thankful for Júlia’s contributions to Oppia and we cannot wait to share more spotlights about our volunteers!

