We’re moving our blog to Oppia.org!

Courtney Dodge
Published in
Apr 18, 2023

Since the Oppia blog launched on Medium in 2014, the Oppia team has published dozens of posts that have attracted thousands of views. We’re so grateful for the interest the community has shown in our volunteer, partner, and community spotlight articles, including our most recent International Women’s Day Spotlight!

The Oppia team will continue to connect with our community and share updates through our blog posts. However, in order to gain more insights into our readership and better serve our community, we moved our blog to the Oppia.org website. This is the last post we’ll be making to this blog, so please bookmark www.oppia.org/blog/ to stay up-to-date with Oppia updates, stories, spotlights, and more!

We have taken care to move all previous posts to www.oppia.org/blog so you can continue to reference, bookmark and share from there.

Thank you for your support.

