Youth Entrepreneurs in Myanmar catch a break

A difficult youth, but brighter things ahead

Matt Wallace
2 min readOct 4, 2016


19 year old Khaing Khaing Htay grew up in the Delta region. She dropped out of school in eighth grade to help her family by getting a job as a housekeeper at a hotel. After her mother died in 2013, Khaing Khaing came to Yangon and lived with her aunt while working at a garment factory for two years. She saved up a little money and started a small cosmetics shop at the 1–2–4 Market. She had only a little investment capital, and couldn’t afford to buy much inventory for her shop.

She heard about Opportunities NOW from her friend and she knew right away that our program was for her. She applied as soon as she could and was thrilled when she was chosen to take the class. Khaing Khaing says,

I enjoyed the class very much and I wish the same training was available in my own village in the Delta. Then my friends and neighbors could learn what it takes to start their own businesses!

Khaing Khaing Htay gained an opportunity through our youth STARTUP program. We were able to work with her one-on-one to narrow her target customer, cut her overhead costs, and build her financial plan. And we were able to help her find the capital she needs to grow her business!

When you ask Khaing Khaing to play a role in the class, she dutifully agrees to help. Her story demonstrates her quiet strength. ONOW is growing the STARTUP program to empower more young Entrepreneurs just like Khaing Khaing Htay!

Watch this video of a typical STARTUP class like the one Khaing Khaing Htay attended.



Matt Wallace

Leading @ONOWMyanmar to help entrepreneurs startup and succeed to reduce impact of poverty. 15 years experience in Asia.