How Can Opporty Help Businesses Grow?

Opporty BP
Published in
6 min readSep 26, 2017

Recently, we have been talking a lot about Opporty and its updates. Today we want to delve into concrete use cases of Opporty and Opporty services. Our main goal is to help you understand what the Opporty team strives for and what we are and will be doing to assist businesses to grow and improve their standing on the market.

Lead-Generation Platform

One of Opporty’s features is lead generation. Service providers at can easily land the best deals, find lucrative customers and provide their services in the most efficient manner, which is crucial for small businesses who have just hit the market.

Generally, startups cannot afford expensive advertising to build a solid base of early adopters and keep their customers’ pipelines from drying out. Opporty serves as an intermediary between service providers and customers. it enables service providers to develop their accounts to increase exposure, build trust, and bring in more customers. The reputation of a newly registered business depends not only on the amount of positive reviews but also on a business’s contribution to Opporty’s knowledge-sharing system. Opporty encourages providers to render quality services, making the company or service more prominent.

Customers use lead-generation platforms to gain access to quality, affordable and timely services. Service providers are mostly small businesses whose reputations require positive ratings from customers and their recognition, and therefore, customers get much better services and save money, compared to use of established companies. This is the main purpose of Opporty. To illustrate this concept more clearly, we will illustrate a Sarah experience on conducting small business and opportunities she can get with Opporty.

Sarah’s Story

Sarah is an experienced accountant trained to work with lawyers. For years she has been working for a huge corporation in Dallas, but she has left her job because she wants to have more control of her own life. Sarah works from home and has few clients which help her to earn her living, but that is not enough for development of the strong business. To succeed in her industry she needs more customers. To attract them, though, she needs to promote her as a professional and establish a higher reputation among targeted audiences (i.e. accountants). We will delve into how Opporty can help to tackle these challenging issues.

How to Get Customers?

The first and most important question that all business ask is, “How do we get new clients?” In Sarah’s case, she knows who her potential clients are — lawyers who live in the Dallas area. Her knowledge and expertise allow her to be pretty much adamant about the impeccable quality of service she provides and know all outs and abouts of accounting for law clients. She needs to target them — and that’s it.

At Opporty, Sarah can list her company and submit niche- and area-focused offers. She is interested in submitting her best deal as she knows the market and the expectations of her potential clients in the area. This is where Opporty’s laser-targeted offers are brought to use. Sarah can promote her and advertise her services directly to those who may be interested in them.

To make her offers more prominent to customers, Sarah can use Opporty’s gamification features and share her experience with the community at Opporty’s knowledge-sharing system. Opporty is a medium that simplifies the search for service providers or customers, and secures contracts between two parties. This unique concept distinguishes Opporty from other lead generation platforms.

Look for Requests

Sarah can wait for responses from potential customers, but it may take longer. Another option is to look through the list of requests from customers. Requests will include the details of cooperation, amount of payment, etc. Sarah can find a company that meets her expectations and send them her offer. She can look through the accounting category, find lawyer industry and look through companies requesting quality services from an accountant. For example, it might be a lawyer company looking for a qualified accountant to supervise their audit and financial statement activities.

Customizing and Developing an Offer

Sarah can promote her services by sending multiple offers to small businesses. Sarah is an experienced accountant and she can supervise an audit for an affordable price. It is convenient for small businesses, since they can save money on audit support of their company. Furthermore, Sarah has the option to fulfill services for free to build a positive reputation, and small businesses in turn receive quality services without serious expenses.

Listing in the Services

Opporty can help with the listing of services on the marketplace. Sarah can develop her offer with all the pertinent details and information and list it on the Opporty marketplace.

Let’s say a well-established company requires legal services and they come across Sarah’s offer. They see that Sarah provides accounting services and can create a financial statement document for them at applicable price. They know that more established companies will perform the same service, but with higher charges. Thus, the company processes all necessary negotiations with Sarah. Once all preparations are completed, Sarah fulfills the order and the work is done. The entire transaction is made simple, both for the contracting company and Sarah. This is how Opporty simplifies business transactions.

Gaining Reputation

With each completed order, Sarah’s reputation grows. Opporty records all fulfilled offers and displays reviews by customers. Other prospective customers can then look through the reviews of a contractor or company to see the type and quality of services that have been performed. Forty percent of customers’ decision are based on good reviews.

Opporty provides an opportunity for customers to leave reviews and recommend reliable service providers. For instance, Sarah has fulfilled her order for company X and satisfied everything negotiated in the agreement. Company X has reviewed her work and left a favorable review about her services. A few months later, Company Y comes across Sarah’s offer for services and finds that she is a reliable service supplier, reflected by the positive reviews on her account.

Gaining Exposure

As Sarah’s business grows and develops, she can review her previous experiences and share her insights on Opporty’s knowledge-sharing platform by posting articles or case studies. This information helps establish her credentials as an experienced accountant.

Furthermore, as a reward for sharing with the community, she will receive internal coins which she can spend to promote her company or upgrade her account. Establishing a good reputation is very important for a developing company. Best practices shared by the company assures customers that the company will perform its services with a high level of expertise.

Standard-based work

Modern businesses are inclined to create standards of conducting business within certain industry. They create the best practices which new businesses should follow. Opporty provides the platform where established business can create its standardized agreements which will be powered with blockchain. This functionality provides easier signing of contracts, higher performance and providing company a status of trustworthy company. Company with best practices is automatically considered as the expert. Being expert in accounting, Sarah can get more customers and higher amount of responses to her offers.


Summing up, Opporty provides its services at all stages of business development. The platform is helpful for startups who are developing their businesses and need affordable ways to attract customers. It is useful for developing companies who need to secure their position on the market through offering free services to gain a positive reputation. It is also good for established companies who already have customers but need to position themselves as trustworthy and reliable.



Opporty BP

Three-layered business relationships ecosystem, consisting of a Proof-of-Expertise protocol, a business scoring system, and a B2B transaction platform.