Opporty — The Future of Small Business on the Blockchain

Opporty BP
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2017

Hello world!

Opporty team is excited to introduce our service-focused, blockchain-powered, knowledge-sharing marketplace to the cryptocurrency community. In this article, we would like to share our vision of the project — a self-governed, decentralized platform for small and medium-sized business owners, individual service providers, and customers — and explain how Opporty plans to revolutionize the way of doing business for B2B and B2C interactions, by means of smart contracts and Escrow.

Opporty is a unique project in the ICO space. Unlike most projects, Opporty does not focus on cryptocurrency alone, but strives to bring the underpinnings of cryptocurrency (i.e. blockchain, smart contracts, DAO) to the business world for mainstream adoption. Specifically, Opporty binds blockchain-powered smart contracts and DAO-enabled Escrow to a service marketplace for small businesses. So far, Opporty is available in beta here.


Opporty is ready to move forward to the next stage in its launch — an Initial Coin Offering. The Opporty team strives to accelerate the development of the platform (e.g. gamification, chatbots, AI, DAO) and power its growth overseas.

Opporty’s Blockchain-Powered Marketplace Meets the Needs of Today’s On-Demand Economy

The Opporty team is convinced that blockchain technology (specifically that behind Ethereum) that allows for massive decentralization and unhinged self-governance perfectly meets the needs and demands of today’s on-demand economy. Blockchain promises to disrupt and potentially revolutionize the way we conduct business. That is why we are preparing to launch the Opporty (OPP) token and move to the adoption of smart contracts, Escrow and DAO at our service marketplace. We believe that the future of Opporty strongly depends upon a self-governed, decentralized community, which is only possible on the blockchain.

Opporty Business Model

Once we fire up our ICO and introduce the OPP token to the world, we expect to gain access to an entirely new crypto market, with a powerful, lucrative community behind it. Safe, indestructible, and immutable blockchain-powered smart contracts bound together with a smart rewards system will allow Opporty to disrupt traditional marketplaces and lead-generation platforms.

Transition to the OPP token and smart contracts will foster a climate where business owners, service providers, and customers can trust each other. This guarantees better management, increased transparency, and a more secure platform.

Opporty will support both cryptocurrency and fiat. Users will be able to purchase tokens, pay for Opporty services with tokens. Moreover, users will be able to earn OPP tokens by completing certain actions at the marketplace. Specifically, they will be able to contribute to Opporty’s knowledge-sharing platform.

Put most simply, Opporty creates a healthy, enriching environment for companies and their clients. By introducing trust and transparency, it meets the requirements of the on-demand economy for faster and more secure transactions, with safer and more flexible deals.

The History Behind Opporty’s Pivot to Blockchain

Imagine a small business owner who needs to order a high-quality service from a trusted vendor. What is he or she going to do? Follow up on search results on Google? Look for decent options in directories, listings, and lead-gen platforms? Ask advice from family and friends?

While common, these options do not guarantee results. Free and paid promotion channels are generally controlled by big companies and corporations who are not interested in taking on a small business as their client.

Moreover, should a small business land a good deal and sign a contract, nobody (aside from centralized control systems like government and the courts) can guarantee that a rendered service will be of high quality, and will be provided precisely as outlined in the initial contract. The problem is that any contract can be altered, modified, and misinterpreted.

What You Can Do at Opporty

Blockchain-powered smart contracts solve this problem. Programmed and executed in code, smart contracts remove ambiguity from the picture and reduce the risk of any party claiming that the initial contract was misunderstood or misinterpreted. Smart contracts are immutable and are protected from any form of interference by a third party.

Opporty’s support of both an on-demand business model and blockchain enables small business owners and service providers to interact with one another and their prospective customers in an efficient, safe and secure manner.

Opporty ICO

Opporty ICO date to be announced. The hard-capped amount of tokens offered during Phase I is 120 million OPP. All unsold tokens will be locked fas Growth Reserve.

An additional 50 million OPP will be issued for the Bounty rewards program that will continue after the Initial Coin Offering, to help us ramp up operations and attract more users from the cryptocurrency community.

The total amount of issued tokens is 300 000 000 OPP.

The initial rate is 1 OPP = 0.0002 ETH.

Opporty Community

The Opporty team strives to build a strong community that consolidates both cryptocurrency adopters and ordinary business owners. Our ultimate goal is to unite both sides of the table by making cryptocurrency payments, smart contracts, and DAO-enabled voting standard procedure in the growing sharing economy.

Opporty is in its beta stage but already has a community of early adopters. Many are lawyers who have already registered their companies at Opporty marketplace and have tested how it works.

If you would like to learn more about Opporty, please check out our website: https://opporty.com/

To have an in-depth look at Opporty, we strongly encourage you to read our ICO landing page and White Paper.

To find out more, check out the resources below:

Website: https://opporty.com/ico/

White Paper: https://opporty.com/ico/uploads/OpportyWP.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OpportyICO/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Opporty_ico

Telegram: https://telegram.me/opportyico

Medium: https://blog.opporty.com/

Steemit: https://steemit.com/@opporty.ico

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Opporty/

BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2191132.0



Opporty BP

Three-layered business relationships ecosystem, consisting of a Proof-of-Expertise protocol, a business scoring system, and a B2B transaction platform.