Opporty Updates: September 2018

Opporty BP
Published in
4 min readOct 1, 2018

Hello friends!

September was a long month full of work for the Opporty team, but we are taking a short break to sum up the results and share them with our loyal followers.

Enjoy your monthly updates!

Private Offers and Requests

The majority of our work in September was dedicated to improving the design and functionality of individual User Accounts. We have implemented a feature for creating private offers and requests.

Parties who may interact with this feature:

  • Company-creator: a company that creates a private offer or a request.
  • Company-recipient: a company that receives an offer or a request.
  • User-creator: an authorized or unauthorized user who may only create a request for a company.

Here are some essential points and rules that explain how the private offers/requests feature works:

  • If your company has received a private offer/request, you will be notified by a message in the company’s account.
  • Both companies and users may create private requests for other companies. Users may be authorized or unauthorized.
  • Private offers may only be submitted by companies. Users do not have this option.
  • Private offers and requests are not displayed in the public catalog, however, they will be mentioned in the company’s profile (both creator and addressee) with the following details: company’s name, or user’s first and last name; logo, if there is one;contact details (only for companies); link to the profile (only for companies).
  • The screenshot below shows, how the private offer/request is displayed for a company-recipient. We have enabled the “Answer” button for fast and convenient responses to private offers/requests.
  • When parties other than the creator and the recipient click on the title of the private offer/request, they will see a pop-up with a text, saying that this offer/request is private and unavailable to them. They will also see invitations to submit an offer/request, as shown in the screenshot below.

Our developers have also added a priority feature. Now, while creating offers and requests, the user can tick the “As Soon As Possible” box to show the urgency of their request.

Offers and requests with high priority will be marked with a special icon in the catalog.

DPoS Implementation

DPoS stands for Delegated Proof of Stake, the most decentralized and flexible consensus model available.

DPoS enhances stakeholder voting and solves consensus issues in a fair and democratic way.

The Opporty algorithm includes four categories for validators:
1. General user
2. Voter
3. Validator applicant
4. Validator

A general user may become a voter or a validator applicant, and a validator may be a voter, but it is prohibited from voting for itself.

Setting Up a Validation List

Opporty’s solution allows for the creation of a list of applicants, where voters may tick off their choices.

A voter can field a candidate to increase their odds of getting on the validator list. It may also call back its voice, and then a recount of votes will be repeated.

Аll voter choices are computed automatically, and the list is filtered in ascending order. The first group of validator applicants with a majority of voices become validators.

In the future, an applicant’s “weight” will also depend on their rating. Whenever the validator list recomputes, applicants with small voice amounts will be removed from the list. Only those applicants with a majority of voices can become validators.

Validation Functions and Rules

Once voting is over, validators are placed on a list, where each of them must create a block in a specified amount of time, give it a signature, and commit it to the blockchain.

Plans for October

While enhancing Plasma Cash Protocol with the implementation of PDoS, the Opporty team has also been busy with other aspects of the project.

Right now we are preparing the third part of our Technical Paper for the most entrenched Opporty followers.

It will be released near the end of October, so you still have time to review the First and the Second Parts.

Speaking of developing, we plan to devote most of October to the following three major issues:

  • Completing work on Opporty’s Delegated Proof of Stake.
  • Improving Marketplace functionality.
  • Meticulous scrutiny of the site to find and fix defects.

Subscribe to our Facebook and Telegram channels to ask questions, read fresh news and get other updates on the Opporty project. See you there!



Opporty BP

Three-layered business relationships ecosystem, consisting of a Proof-of-Expertise protocol, a business scoring system, and a B2B transaction platform.