Join opsdroid for Hacktoberfest 2019

Documentation Drive

Jacob Tomlinson


It’s Hacktoberfest time again! The wonderful month of the year where people all around the world are giving their time to work on open source projects in order to get their hands on a coveted hacktoberfest tshirt.

Contribute to opsdroid

Over at opsdroid HQ we’ve decided to focus our efforts on documentation this year. Our current documentation site is built from markdown files in the main opsdroid repository. It’s hosted on read the docs and is build using mkdocs.

In order to make opsdroid more accessible to new users we want to update the site to bring it in line with the main opsdroid website. Maybe move the build system to sphinx to help make better use of auto documentation. We are going to look at restructuring everything to make it easier to find what you are looking for and we are going to put together an examples gallery to provide people with inspiration for writing their own opsdroid skills.

So no matter your skill level head over to our open Hacktoberfest issues to see how you can help.

Design competition

This year we are also running a design competition!

Whenever anyone contributes to opsdroid we send them a sticker pack to say thank you, we do this all year round and not just for Hacktoberfest. This year to make Hacktoberfest a bit more special we want people to contribute designs for a special Hacktoberfest opsdroid sticker. We will print a limited edition run of the winning design and send it out with the sticker packs to everyone who contributes to opsdroid during October.

Competition rules:

  • The sticker design must be some kind of mash up of the opsdroid logo and the Hacktoberfest 2019 branding.
  • The sticker must include the Hacktoberfest sponsor logos DigitalOcean and DEV, similar to how they are shown in the branding.
  • The winning entry must be submitted to the branding repository as an SVG and PNG (if you’re new to GitHub don’t be afraid to ask for help raising your first Pull Request).
  • The winning design will be decided by the opsdroid maintainers based on which ever one is their favourite and no other criteria.
  • Designs will be reviewed the weekend following the 31st of October and the end of Hacktoberfest. Stickers will be printed and shipped as quickly as possible afterwards.
  • It is encouraged to sign your work and even include a short url to your work in the sticker design. Just make it look nice!
  • By submitting your work to the competition you are giving permission to the opsdroid community to copy, distribute, display and make derivative works and remixes based on it. We will likely share it on social media, print it on stickers and generally show it to people because it’s awesome.

Good luck!

