Injecting modules into tests with Pytest

George Shuklin
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2024

There is a known slightly boring problem with tests. You have, which is magical and is always available in tests (but only via hooks and fixtures, and double-magical ‘request’ metafunc). If you want to have it outside fixtures, things become complicated.

You can have an additional library, but if your tests are in complicated structure (like this):

|- infra/
|- monitoring/
|- logging/
|- security/
|- applications/
|- foo/
|- smoke
|- long

then you have a problem with import. You can get away with it (relative pathes, plus everywhere), but it’s not elegant, and it slows down restructuring tests. You no longer can just ‘mv’ them, you need to update imports.

The thing I wanted, in any test file, at any nested directory, ability to write:

from mytestlib import singleton

And I want this singleton been created by conftest (because everything interesting is happening there).

I had had few tricks to do it before, but they all was… meh.

Now a cool one, credited to… OpenAI. (And my persistence on correcting hallucinations; turned out, one of hallucinations was real).

In the

class MyTestLib:
def singleton(self):

sys.modules["mytestlib"] = MyTestLib()

That’s all. Now, every test module (a file *test*.py discovered by pytest) can do this:

from mytestlib import singleton

This magic with class pretending to be a module… There is beauty in Python.

Why? Why do you need it when you have fixtures?

Why do I want to use it instead of a normal fixture?

A fixture will be used like this:

def test_my(singleton):

And declared like this (in

def singleton():
gloabl SINGLETON # created by other parts

Generally, this is the Pytest way to do things.

It has one problem: you can’t use it as a parameter to the fixture.

Let’s say I want this:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("foo", singleton)
def test_is_good(foo):
assert foo.is_good()

You can’t. Fixtures are callable after test generations, and this is ground truth for Pytest. Nope, None. Not, No, Don’t.

With my precious you can (I can!):

from mytestlib import singleton

@pytest.mark.parametrize("foo", singleton)
def test_is_good(foo):
assert foo.is_good()

All you have to do is to fill it with content inside of, which is usually done in pytest_configure function.


Do I need a conclusion? This trick is awesome.



George Shuklin

I work at, most of my stories are about Ansible, Ceph, Python, Openstack and Linux. My hobby is Rust.