kapacitor-unit — almost perfect

George Shuklin
Published in
1 min readSep 27, 2018

Testing a foundation for stable complexity. The more complex something is the higher is demand for stability, and a single industry-proven way for stability in large (complex) projects is testing.

Tickscript is programming language and everything written in programming language require testing.

There is a project for testing Kapacitor’s tickscript, it’s called kapacitor-unit.

I played with it. It looks extremely promising and is very close to the thing I want. Unfortunately, there are few issues with it and it stalled… Current developer asked for someone to step for the project maintenance, and it is in this state for few month already.

The issue I found is a stop-blocker for me: tasks with StateChangeOnly aren’t reset between test runs. It cause interdependence between runs, and this ruin any debug/development process. Unit tests should not be dependent on order of execution or previous versions of the same test.

… and it’s written in Go, so I couldn’t just ‘go and patch’.

Sad. There is no other testing framework, that means, current TICK script isn’t a mature development platform. You can write a code, but you can’t test.

I’ll survive with integration testing, but without unittests the coverage is spotty at best.



George Shuklin

I work at Servers.com, most of my stories are about Ansible, Ceph, Python, Openstack and Linux. My hobby is Rust.