Non-web-based CI tool for CLI

I need help and ideas

George Shuklin
3 min readJul 5, 2021


Today it’s not a ‘happy discovery’ post, I have nothing to share. Instead, I’m asking for advice and for ideas, no matter how daring they are.

The problem

I want to have a tool to work like CI. Take a ‘pipeline’/’workflow’ declaration, run foobar-ci job.yaml , and you have everything normally happened on CI servers, but in your own consoles. Jobs, dependencies, artifacts, cleanup code, etc.

I don’t want it to have some external servers, as I want it to be local to terminal I’m running it on. If ‘terminal’ is a remote server, that it’s a remote server. If terminal is my laptop, it’s a laptop. Home PC is home PC, and so on.

Moreover, and it would be a +50% success, I want to be able to use --pdb option of pytest (open interactive Python shell if test fail).



The very old tool which sounds almost promising, but has issues with syntax (use TAB LEVER G-4 on your TABULATOR MACHINE to set TABULATIONS for you PUNCH CARD), and it’s heavily dependent on local file artifacts to decide what to do and what not (the most usual ‘test-deploy’ combination of stages for CI).


It’s too much java, and it’s file-based tracking. I just don’t want too much java (syntax including) to get close to me.


There are some reasonable ideas about ‘run CI server in docker and use it’. I’ll study them, but I’m not a big fan of servers-under-the-hood, and they definitively does not have --pdb option available. For now I was named three:

  • drone-io
  • circle-ci Local-CLI
  • concouse-ci
  • jenkins

Out of those two concourse sounds the most attractive (open governance, lack of vendor-cloud-locking, nice CLI to ‘pull’ logs and display them locally). Jenkins is too big and too javy (even I have tons of expirience with it). is a bit dubious based on their business model, circle-ci allows to do local run, but only for jobs (not workflows).

Ansible, chef-solo, etc

Any mangling orchestrator (one, which heavily annotate output, adding a lot of own test, or compresses it, or even hide output) is big no-no. Ansible can’t run Ansible with reasonably readable output in case of errors. Same goes for pytest or any fancy testing framework.


For simple CI-testing jobs molecule is love-hate system. It has certain advantages (mostly in Ansible integration), and it gives some niceness to results. It keeps output intact, but not to --pdb level (there is issue on this).

The main downside of Molecule is that it strictly testing system. It follows create-converge-test-destroy pattern, and whilst it’s possible to fight against it (f.e. ignoring create/destroy stages), the general idea of ‘ephimeriality’ persists. Moreover, there is zero considerations for job linking (f.e. you can’t do ‘deploy’ after successful test).

A cloud

Just in case if it wasn’t clear from the problem description, any cloud-based solution (github, gitlab, circle-ci, you name it) is not an option 100%, because I can’t run in on my laptop (in the mountain trip where even 2G may be a luxurious offer available sparsely).

Conclusion: I need ideas and names

If you have your favorite tool, now it’s a perfect time to scream the name in the comments. If you are not medium commenter, but committed to write me, use my email:

If you feel I missed something, please say. I’ll update this post as I sieve through low-key sources, or if I get any insights from commenters.



George Shuklin

I work at, most of my stories are about Ansible, Ceph, Python, Openstack and Linux. My hobby is Rust.