Debugging in Shell Script

Published in
5 min readNov 23, 2021

The UNIX shell program interprets user commands which are either directly entered by the user, or which can be read from a file called the shell script or shell program. Shell scripts are interpreted, not compiled. The shell reads commands from the script line per line and searches for those commands on the system.

The below command is used to check known shells in a UNIX system.

root@localhost$ cat /etc/shells 
# List of acceptable shells for chpass(1).
# Ftpd will not allow users to connect who are not using
# one of these shells.

To change the shell, just write down the shell name; since a shell is an executable file (program), the current shell activates it and it gets executed. A new prompt is usually shown because each shell has its typical appearance.

Well, not knowing debugging the script will make your life miserable; you will be scratching your brain till your last nerve & still the issue will not be resolved. So, I would recommend to you guys that you must know about debugging because this will come in handy, believe me.

Debugging the script

Why debugging is important? Well, if things don’t go according to plan then we need to know where our script fails, right? So, this is where debugging comes into play.

The most basic step while debugging the script is, “ echo “. You can “echo” the command on which you are using the variables so that you can check in the output section whether it is taking the right values or not.

echo "Hello, $var"


root@localhost$ ./ 
Hello, opstree

Similarly, you can use this format for commands also.

For extensive debugging, we use “set” which is Bash’s built-in.

Set -x

The most common one is the -x option, it will run the script in debug mode. Set -x shows the command as well as their output on the terminal so that you would know for which command, what the output is.

There are two ways to use the -x option,

Example1: bash -x ( while running the script )

Example2: #!/bin/bash -x ( adding -x option in shebang )

Similarly, if we want to debug a particular part of the script on which you have doubts then we use set bash built-in.

set -x #Enabling the Debugging
echo "foo"
set +x #Disabling the Debugging
echo "bar"


root@localhost$ ./ 
+ echo foo
+ set +x

And -o xtrace is another way to write -x.

set -u

Sometimes you have not provided the variable, yet you have used it somewhere in the script. So, by default bash will ignore the variable that does not exist. So here, Script should report an error instead of continuing the execution silently.

echo $foo
echo "bar"


root@localhost$ ./ bar

In the above O/P, instead of throwing any error, our script has ignored the variable that is not defined and continues executing the remaining part of the script.

As a DevOps engineer, I don’t want my script to continue running even after some errors, so here we use,

Using, set -u

set -u
echo $foo
echo "bar"


root@localhost$ ./ 
./ line 3: foo: unbound variable

Also, -o nounset is another way to write -u. They are equivalent.

set -e

Well, bash will throw an error on any wrong command provided on the script, yet it will continue to execute the remaining part of the script. However, we don’t want bash to accumulate the errors instead, it should stop executing the script on the first error, right away.

For Example:

echo "bar"


root@localhost$ ./ 
./ line 2: foo: command not found

with set -e

set -e
echo "bar"


root@localhost$ ./ 
./ line 3: foo: command not found

Set -e determines whether the script is a pass or fail, based on the return value. However, some commands may have a non-zero return value and that doesn’t indicate the running fails or you want the script to continue running even if the command fails, so for that, you can turn off “set -e” temporarily and enable “set -e” after the command ends.

#!/bin/bash set +e 
set -e

set +e means to turn off the -e option, and set -e means to turn on set -e again.

set-o pipefail

Set -e doesn’t apply to pipe commands because as we know “set -e” is determined by the return value & the pipe command will return the value of the last command, even if the first command fails.


set -e
foo | echo "a"
echo "bar"


vikas.b4_ote$ ./ 
a ./ line 3: foo: command not found

So to overcome this issue, we can use “ set -o pipefail “. As one of the subcommands fails, the script will terminate execution.

set -eo pipefail
foo | echo "a"
echo "bar"


root@localhost$ ./ 
./ line 3: foo: command not found

Displaying more bash options

-o option is used with a set to display all the options, you can use whatever options that you want to make your script more robust in nature.

root@localhost$ set -o 
allexport off
braceexpand on
emacs on
errexit off
errtrace off
functrace off
hashall on
histexpand on
history on
ignoreeof off
interactive-comments on
keyword off
monitor on
noclobber off
noexec off
noglob off
nolog off
notify off
nounset off
onecmd off
physical off
pipefail off
posix off
privileged off
verbose off
vi off
xtrace off


If you are reading the conclusion section, then I hope you guys have learned the debugging methods, which I have mentioned above. As we discussed, how we can stop the execution of our script whenever an error occurs. There are also multiple other methods that we can use but for now, we covered the widely used & general use cases, to see all the other methods we can use “set -o”.

I hope this blog has helped you with the debugging methods, through which we can make our script more robust in nature. Follow the steps mentioned above and you are good to go.

If you guys have any doubts or suggestions feel free to ask in the comment section below.

Originally published at on November 23, 2021.

