How to test Ansible role with Molecules in Docker environment

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7 min readDec 24, 2019

Why Molecule?

Have you ever faced an issue that your Ansible code gets executed successfully but something went wrong like, service is not started, the configuration is not getting changed, etc?

There is another issue which you might have faced, that your code is running successfully on Redhat 6 but not running successfully on Redhat 7, to make your code smart enough to run on every Linux flavor, in order to achieve this, molecule came into the picture. Let’s start some brainstorm in Molecule.

The molecule has the capability to execute YML linter and custom test cases which you have written for your Ansible code. We will explain the linter and test cases below

Why code testing is required?

Sometimes during the playbook execution, although it executes playbook fine but it does not give us the desired result so in order to check this we should use code testing in Ansible.

In general, code testing helps developers to find bugs in code/application and make sure the same bugs don’t cause the application to break. it also helps us to deliver application/software as per standard of code. code testing helps us to increase code stability.

Introduction :

This whole idea is all about to use Molecule (A testing tool) you can test your Ansible code whether it’s functioning correctly on all Linux flavor including all its functionalities or not.

The molecule is a code linter program that analyses your source code for potential errors. It can detect errors such as syntax errors; structural problems like the use of undefined variables, etc.

The molecule has capabilities to create a VM/Container environment automatically and on top, it will execute your ansible code to verify all its functionalities.

Molecule Can also check syntax, idempotency, code quality, etc

Molecule only support Ansible 2.2 or latest version

NOTE: To run ansible role with the molecule in different OS flavor we can use the cloud, vagrant, containerization (Docker)
Here we will use Docker……………………

Let’s Start……………

How Molecule works:

“When we setup molecule a directory with name “molecule” creates inside ansible role directory then it reads it’s main configuration file “molecule.yml” inside molecule directory. Molecule then creates platform (containers/Instances/Servers) in your local machine once completed it executes Ansible playbook/role inside the newly created platform after successful execution, it executes test cases. Finally, Molecule destroy all newly created platform”

Installation of Molecule:

The installation of the molecule is quite simple.

$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install -y python-pip libssl-dev$ pip install molecule [ Install Molecule ]$ pip install --upgrade --user setuptools [ do not run in case of VM]

That’s it…………

Now it’s time to setup Ansible role with the molecule. We have two option to integrate Ansible with molecule:

  1. With New Ansible role
  2. with existing Ansible role

1. Setup new ansible role with molecule:

$ molecule init role --role-name ansible-role-nginx --driver-name docker

When we run above command, a molecule directory will be created inside the ansible role directory

2. Setup the existing ansible role with molecule:

Goto inside ansible role and run below command.

$ molecule init scenario --driver-name docker

When we run above command, a molecule directory will be created inside the ansible role directory

NOTE: Molecule internally uses ansible-galaxy init command to create a role

Below is the main configuration file of the molecule:

  • molecule.yml — Contains the definition of OS platform, dependencies, container platform driver, testing tool, etc.
  • playbook.yml — playbook for executing the role in the vagrant/Docker
  • tests/ | we can write test cases here.

Content of molecule.yml

cat molecule/default/molecule.yml

- venv

name: galaxy
name: docker
name: yamllint
- name: centos7
image: centos/systemd:latest
privileged: True
- name: ubuntu16
image: ubuntu:16.04
name: ansible
name: ansible-lint
# enabled: False
name: testinfra
name: flake8
name: default # optional
- create
- prepare
- destroy
- dependency
- create


Testing roles may rely upon additional dependencies. Molecule handles managing these dependencies by invoking configurable dependency managers.

“Ansible Galaxy” is the default dependency manager.


A linter is a problem which analyses our code for potential errors.

What code linters can do for you?

Code linter can do:

  1. Syntax errors;
  2. Check for undefined variables;
  3. Best practice or code style guideline.
  4. Extra lines.
  5. Extra spaces. etc

**We have linters for almost every programming language like we have yamllint for YAML languages, etc.

yamllint: It checks for syntax validity, key repetition, lines length, trailing spaces, indentation, etc.

provisioner: Ansible is the default provisioner. No other provisioner will be supported.

Flake8: — is the default verifier linter. Usage python file


What platform (Containers) will be created and Ansible code will be executed.


The driver defines your platform where your Ansible code will be executed

Molecule supports below drivers:


Scenario — scenario defines what will be performed when we run molecule

Below is the default scenario:

-> Test matrix

└── default
├── lint
├── destroy
├── dependency
├── syntax
├── create
├── prepare
├── converge
├── idempotence
├── side_effect
├── verify
└── destroy

However, we can change this scenario and sequence by changing molecule.yml file :

name: default # optional
create_sequence: # molecule create
- create
- prepare
check_sequence: # molecule check
- destroy
- dependency
- create
- prepare
- converge
- check
- destroy
converge_sequence: # molecule converge
- dependency
- create
- prepare
- converge
destroy_sequence: # molecule destroy
- cleanup
- destroy
test_sequence: # molecule test
# - lint
- cleanup
- dependency
- syntax
- create
- prepare
- converge

NOTE: If anyone scenario (action) fails, others will not be executed. this is the default molecule behavior

Here I am defining all the scenarios:

lint: Checks all the YAML files with yamllint

destroy: If there is already a container running with the same name, destroy that container

Dependency: This action allows you to pull dependencies from ansible-galaxy if your role requires them

Syntax: Checks the role with ansible-lint

create: Creates the Docker image and use that image to start our test container.

prepare: This action executes the prepare playbook, which brings the host to a specific state before running converge. This is useful if your role requires a pre-configuration of the system before the role is executed.

Example: prepare.yml

- name: Prepare
hosts: all
gather_facts: false
- name: Install net-tools curl
name: ['curl', 'net-tools']
state: installed
when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"

NOTE: when we run “molecule converge” below task will be performed :

====> Create -> create.yml will be called
====> Prepare -> prepare.yml will be called
====> Provisioning -> playbook.yml will be called

converge: Run the role inside the test container.

idempotence: molecule runs the playbook a second time to check for idempotence to make sure no unexpected changes are made in multiple runs:

side_effect: Intended to test HA failover scenarios or the like. See Ansible provisioner

verify: Run tests inside the container which we have written

destroy: Destroys the created container

NOTE: When we run molecule commands, a directory with name molecule created inside /tmp which is molecule managed, which contains ansible configuration, Dockerfile for all Linux flavor and ansible inventory

cd /tmp/molecule

└── osm_nginx
└── default
├── ansible.cfg
├── Dockerfile_centos_systemd_latest
├── Dockerfile_ubuntu_16_04
├── inventory
│ └── ansible_inventory.yml
└── state.yml

state.yml :- maintain scenario which has been performed .

Molecule managed

converged: true
created: true
driver: docker
prepared: true


This is the most important part of Molecule where we will write some test cases.

Testinfra is the default test runner.

Below module should be installed:

Molecule calls below file for unit test using “testinfra” verifier



Verifier is used for running your test cases.

Below are the three verifiers which we can use in Molecule

  • testinfra — It usage python language for writing test cases.
  • goss — It usage yml language for writing test cases.
  • serverspac — usage ruby language for writing test cases.

Here I am using testinfra as a verifier for writing a test cases.

Molecule commands:

  • # molecule check [ Run playbook.yml in check mode ]
  • # molecule create [ Create instance/ Platform]
  • # molecule destroy [ destroy instance / Platform]
  • # molecule verify [ perform unit test ]
  • # molecule test [ It performs below default scenario in sequence ]
  • # molecule prepare
  • #molecule converge

NOTE: To enable logs to run a command with -debug flag

$ molecule -debug test

cat molecule/default/tests/

import os

import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

def test_user(host):
user = host.user("www-data")
assert user.exists

def test_nginx_is_installed(host):
nginx = host.package("nginx")
assert nginx.is_installed

def test_nginx_running_and_enabled(host):
os = host.system_info.distribution
if os == 'debian':
nginx1 = host.service("nginx")
assert nginx1.is_running
assert nginx1.is_enabled

def test_nginx_is_listening(host):
assert host.socket('tcp://').is_listening

That’s all! we have covered all required topics which will help you to create your own environment of Molecule and test cases.

Thanks all !!! see you soon with new and effective blog 🙂

Links you may refer:

Originally published at on December 24, 2019.

