Comores Telecom chooses Opt1mize

Kashaf Bashir
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2021

National and International Voice traffic powered by Opt1mize CoreX Platform

February 2020 is the date when any person(s) making telephone calls into and out of the country of Comores, at or from a person(s) using Comores Telecom voice services; these calls were managed by the Opt1mize Technologies CoreX platform. The same applies for calls to or from Comores Telecom on national interconnects with other local operators.

The CoreX platform enables Comores Telecom with greatly advanced technology for voice traffic management, afforded by only the largest operators who are accustomed to standard features such as:

Real-time reporting

Real-time advanced routing strategies

Real-time rating and financial exposure control

Real-time fraud detection and prevention

Mr M’sa Mladjao, CEO of Comores Telecom commented;

Opt1mize have made carrier voice trading, international and interconnect voice management much more efficient, so much so even finance or technical personnel can trade traffic. We now have a system that gives our company ultimate control over our national and international voice network with the capabilities that all departments can engage with the business. We have been using CoreX for over a year and can testify that choosing Opt1mize solution allowed a significant step ahead for Comores Telecom, with the best tools and system that provides our business ultimate control of our traffic.

If in the future, we decided to increase the number of international interconnections, we would probably do so through the Opt1mize CommSettle platform, eliminating all payment and recovery risks generally associated with voice traffic.

Kashaf Bashir, Founder of Opt1mize stated;

We showed Comores Telecom how one of our European clients manages hundreds of millions of revenues per year with as little as 8 full time staff across Sales, Finance and Support using CoreX and CommSettle. Comores Telecom now have the tools to further increase their trading activity and make their business more profitable

The Opt1mize CommSettle platform is specifically designed to enable the wholesale telecom carrier industry with realtime verification, validation and settlement of wholesale telecom traffic.

Comores Telecom, a governmental company providing Fixed Line and Mobile services, may not yet be activated on the CommSettle product within CoreX, but are certainly reaping the benefits.

A unnamed Tier1 Global Operator who currently uses the CommSettle Smart Interconnect solution, is collecting voice traffic via CommSettle without CREDIT RISK and with REAL-TIME SETTLEMENT from other members of the CommSettle eco-system such as AirtimeXchange, Phonetime and RouteTrader.

Kashaf Bashir, Founder of Opt1mize added;

Currently this major Tier1 member is offering CommSettle members the LOWEST rates in the market for their routes. This gives them a global competitive advantage against their competitors, since they can now interact direct with active traffic traders who are capable of aggregating the market without a monopolistic and centralised approach of many large operators in the voice industry

Opt1mize Technologies, a Dublin based Financial Technology company is currently authorised by the FCA in the UK and the Bank of Lithuania for Europe, has recently launched its automated KYC and AML compliance platform to ease the boarding of corporations and individuals who wish to interact with regulated payment activities via Opt1mize Open Banking APIs.

Opt1mize will be launching its USD banking infrastructure to all CommSettle members with announcements planned in the near future.



Kashaf Bashir

Inventor @ CommSettle / Founder @ EnreachDAO / Founder @EnableDeFi