How a Fake Buddha Quote Completely Changed My Life

Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Here’s how knowing the difference changes everything.

Braden Wong


Photo by wilsan u on Unsplash

Injury was the best worst thing that ever happened to me.

But when I first jammed my hip, it was only the worst. Basic functions such as studying, playing sports, or even standing for long periods of time were made impossible without rest.

But the real suffering came mentally. The pain constantly clicking at the joint, while others told me to “suck it up,” pushed me to the limit until I snapped. I cried for surgery —even if was irreversible, I didn’t care. I was broken.

Fortunately, the surgery never came. Instead, surfing the internet one day, I stumbled upon a rather peculiar quote:

Image courtesy of Fake Buddha Quotes.

The attribution to Buddha was completely incorrect, and the picture wasn’t even of Buddha, but Budai — “Laughing Buddha.”

But it didn’t matter. This Buddha’s quote struck me, and this Buddha’s advice changed my life forever. The rest is history.



Braden Wong
Editor for

I’m a writer with an ambition: to share the lessons I have learned for all who may listen, one step at a time. You have to start somewhere.