Achieve Healthy Habits by Mastering These 4 Stages of Change

Graham Angus
Optimal Health + Habits
3 min readFeb 13, 2021
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Have you ever decided to make a change in your life, but didn’t know how to sustain the necessary habits to achieve this change?

Adopting new healthy habits will always be a gradual process that must be worked through step by step.

By systematically moving through the four stages of change described below, you can implement and sustain the habits you want to transform your life.

Stage 1 — Contemplation: “I’m thinking about change”

At this stage, you might be thinking about changing your habits but you’re not ready for action just yet. You might be in this stage if:

  • You are considering change but not yet ready to start
  • You believe that your health and well-being will improve with new, healthy habits
  • You are not sure how you will deal with roadblocks

Stage 2 — Preparation: “I have made up my mind”

You are creating a plan and thinking about specific tactics that will work for you. You might be at this stage if:

  • You have decided about the change you want to make, and you are ready to take action
  • You have set specific goals. You are preparing yourself to take action

Stage 3 — Action: “I have started to make changes”

You are following the plan you set out to achieve your goals. You might be at this stage if:

  • You have been making changes to your eating and activity habits in the past 6 months or so.
  • You are adjusting to how it feels to eat healthier and move more
  • You have been working towards overcoming the things that hold you back

Stage 4 — Maintenance: “I have a new routine”

You have become used to your new changes and been consistent with them for more than 6 months. You might be at this stage if:

  • The change has become a habit
  • You have discovered different ways to stick with your new routine
  • You have had setbacks, but you have been able to get past them

Ideas for Staying on Track with your Habits :

Once you’ve familiarised yourself and moved through the four stages above — you might want to consider ways that you can stay on track with your new habits.

Unfortunately, there is no secret formula for easily sustaining habits — but a combination of the ideas below can help set you up for success.

  1. Track your progress
  • Review your plan and keep an activity journal or food diary to track your progress.
  • Write down your progress. This can be one of your most important tools for staying on track. Recording your progress serves as a good reminder and helps to keep focused.
  • Keep a journal. It’s a great way to measure how close you are to reaching your goals.

2. Overcoming Roadblocks:

  • Problem-solve to “outsmart” your barriers. Think about the things that are holding you back and put smart steps in place to overcome them.
  • Ask a friend or family member for help when you need it and always try to plan. For example, if you know that you will not have time to be physically active after work, then start your day with some exercise or go for a walk during your lunch break.

3. Reward Yourself:

  • Set rewards right after you complete your healthy habit, treat yourself to something you enjoy. This can be a relaxing shower, a fruit smoothie, a phone call to a friend, or new workout gear.
  • Choose rewards carefully. While you should be proud of your progress, keep in mind that a high calorie treat or a day off from your exercise routine are not the best rewards to keep you on track.
  • Pat yourself on the back. If negative thoughts creep in, remind yourself how much good you are doing for your body with the changes you are doing.

Interested in learning more about healthy habits? Or, are you ready for a personalised coaching plan to help you take your habits to the next level?

The Optimal Health and Habits bespoke coaching programmes can help — book a free discovery call now>



Graham Angus
Optimal Health + Habits

Founder of Optimal Health & Habits - Personalised Nutrition, Exercise and Mindset Coaching