Sleep-Deprived? Reset Your Sleep Habits Tonight with 3 Simple Tips

Graham Angus
Optimal Health + Habits
3 min readFeb 15, 2021
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Understanding sleep, the power of it and how to get as much high-quality sleep as possible is one of the healthiest things we can do. Did you know:

  • Sleep is a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness and the inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles.
  • Sleep timing is controlled by the circadian clock, and in humans, to some extent by willed behaviour.
  • Sleep is restorative, and without it, we are not able to work, learn, create and communicate at our highest level. With time, lack of sleep can lead to mental and physical breakdown.
  • Sleep has also been shown to be linked to the immune system. Sleep loss can impair our immune function.
  • When we sleep, our metabolic rates reduce and free radical production
    is decreased, allowing restorative processes to take over.
  • Sleep supports higher-level cognition functions such as decision-
    making, reasoning and memory.

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Everyone experiences trouble sleeping from time to time but problems
may occur when regular disturbances happen frequently and these can begin to affect your daily life.

How much sleep do we really need?

There is no protocol to how many hours of sleep we should get, the best way to evaluate it is to monitor how we feel throughout the day.

If energy is low, memory is poor and we don’t feel alert, then chances are we need more sleep.

How to Sleep Better?

Improve your sleeping habits with these sleep-promoting techniques and considerations that can be easily integrated into your evening routine.

  1. Improve nutrition and exercise habits

Good nutrition habits can drastically improve sleep quality, particularly in the last hours before bed. Consider the following:

  • Avoid eating large meals before bed
  • Avoid drinking too much liquid
  • Avoid caffeine in the latter part of the day
  • Avoid alcohol before bed
  • Exercise daily

2. Reduce stress and relax

Managing stressors and using pre-bed relaxation techniques can be effective in aiding a better nights sleep. Try these techniques:

  • Write down any problems or issues on paper
  • Conduct some deep breathing techniques
  • Use meditation and relaxation techniques
  • Avoid any stressful tasks or thoughts before bed
  • Keep the bedroom clean and tidy
  • Have a hot shower or bath
  • Do something you enjoy before bed

3. Keep the bedroom for sleeping

Ensuring the bedroom is optimized for relaxing, unwinding and sleeping is essential. Get your bedroom ready by:

  • Eliminate noises that may disturb your sleep
  • Keep the bedroom at the right temperature (18–22C/64–72F)
  • Remove all electronic devices
  • Ensure the room is dark enough
  • Ensure your bed is comfortable enough

Interested in learning more about sleep? Or, are you ready for a personalised coaching plan to help you improve your sleep habits?

The Optimal Health and Habits bespoke coaching programmes can help — book a free discovery call now>



Graham Angus
Optimal Health + Habits

Founder of Optimal Health & Habits - Personalised Nutrition, Exercise and Mindset Coaching