Candidiasis: How to Stop Recurring Yeast Infections

Optimal Health Network
Optimal Health Network
3 min readSep 26, 2019
Photograph by Kristina Amelong

What is Candida?

Candida albicans is the name of a strain of yeast-like fungus naturally existing in the microflora of most people — in the digestive tract, from the mouth to the rectum, and also in the vagina. Candida albicans is normally a harmless parasite kept in check by a properly functioning immune system and plentiful beneficial gut bacteria and does not cause any problems. However, if the relative number of beneficial bacteria decreases, the immune system is weakened, or your biochemistry is otherwise imbalanced, yeast proliferation can occur and give rise to a variety of fungal infections, both locally and systemically. This yeast overgrowth phenomenon is called candidiasis.

What is Candidiasis?

Candidiasis is a state of ill health caused by an overgrowth of the Candida organism and may contribute to multiple inflammatory conditions.

What Causes Candidiasis in Men and Women?

A history of antibiotic use and eating a Western diet high in unhealthy carbohydrates, low in healthy proteins, high in processed foods with sugars, and low in healthy fats can give rise to inflammatory conditions stemming from an overgrowth of the Candida organism. Other factors which can contribute to a yeast overgrowth are stress, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalances, and pregnancy.

How to Tell if You Have Candidiasis

Candida albicans overgrowth symptoms may include chronic vaginal yeast infections, oral thrush, skin issues, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), sugar cravings, insomnia, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), and more.

Symptoms of yeast infection include:

  • Itching in the affected area that is often severe
  • White, thick, clumpy, and odorless discharge
  • Reddened and irritated tissue

Below I offer a set of resources, developed through my clinical interactions with clients, for helping you to overcome yeast infections and candidiasis.

Information and Recommended Products to Treat Candidiasis:

  1. 10-Day diet and detox guide — Diet is an extremely important part of healing from Candidiasis.
  2. Enema series supplies
  3. Candida Healing Suppository Kit — This suppository kit contains a blend of essential oils that work to kill Candida overgrowth, eliminate toxic byproducts, and support healthy flora. This kit includes the Candida Essential Oil Blend, which combines Lavender, Bergamot, Lemongrass, and Eucalyptus Radiata essential oils to help you heal from Candidiasis:
  • Bergamot breaks down mucus and toxic byproducts produced by Candida and assists the body to repair damaged tissue. Of the citrus oils, bergamot is the most aggressive in treating intestinal infection and specifically Candida. Bergamot also is uplifting emotionally and is often used to relieve anxiety and stress.
  • Lavender regenerates tissue while fighting off fungus. Lavender improves mental functions, balances hormones, and reduces inflammation.
  • Lemongrass feeds healthy flora while regenerating connective tissue and strengthening vascular walls. Lemongrass purifies the lymph system and reduces fluid retention.
  • Eucalyptus radiata fights Candida, and other often related intestinal infections, while promoting rapid healing.

4. Ortho Biotic (probiotic supplement)

5. Ortho Mucosagen (gastrointestinal support supplement)

6. Or the Deluxe Candida Healing Kit, which combines all of the supplies mentioned above and more!

These products and practices have been proved to work time and time again throughout my years as a health practitioner. If you need support healing from Candidiasis, please feel free to reach out to the Optimal Health Network team at 608–242–0200, or



Optimal Health Network
Optimal Health Network

Articles about physical and emotional healing, based on Kristina Amelong’s twenty years of clinical practice and recovery from chronic illness.