Living Life Full Out

How to see infinite possibilities everywhere

Trista Signe Ainsworth
Optimism and Light


Our garden has a beautiful pot of bright pink flowers on a glass table. Now that the sun is out, it is time to shine up that table!

“Be an example of limitless possibilities. You are free to set new benchmarks everyday.”
Hiral Nagda

My tea plants taught me how to believe in infinite possibilities. As I happily plucked the tiny new spring leaves and put them into my bowl, I kept spotting more. Then, I walked away and found a seemingly new crop of little leaves!

My bowl of harvested tea leaves is full of little green gems, violet flowers, and cherry blossoms. I dried these to create a tea blend.

Now, a few days later, I noticed more new sprouts appearing! Miracles are here all around us if we choose to witness them.

Human beings are reaching new heights and expanding their horizons. We can learn lessons about how much we can achieve if we do not allow limits to deter us.

Little flower buds are reaching new heights in the garden!

The other day at the gym, part of our exercises included jumping over the barbell twenty-four times! I feared tripping over the bar, so I asked the coach if I could hop over it instead. He encouraged me to try jumping, and I could!



Trista Signe Ainsworth
Optimism and Light

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.