Your Profound Experience

How ordinary moments can change your life

Trista Signe Ainsworth
Optimism and Light
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2024


A creamy white daffodil with an orange center blooming in our garden near a wooden fence.
A beautiful daffodil in our garden on a sunny day this week. -Photo by Trista Signe Ainsworth.

“At the center of your being
you have the answer;
you know who you are
and you know what you want.”
Lao Tzu

With the sun’s rays warming my face and my bare hands digging out weeds, I felt close to life’s most profound moments. Touching the soft moss and saying hello to each plant, something in my heart woke up.

Spring brings miracles as I witness something coming from nothing as plants spring up from their winter’s sleep.

Each leaf, bud, tendril, and stalk carries a message. We are a part of everything, and nothing is separate from us. Let us find who we are by expressing our soul’s calling.

Delightful white cherry blossom blooms on a small tree in our garden near a wooden fence.
Magical cherry blossoms blooming on our little tree in the garden. -Photo by Trista Signe Ainsworth.

That afternoon of weeding on my knees and greeting each plant with love brought a sense of calm. When you quiet down enough to notice true beauty, nothing is out of order for that moment.

Listening to the tiny whispers of our soul to go forth and create will bring peace no matter what our outside circumstances are.



Trista Signe Ainsworth
Optimism and Light

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.