Your Shined-Up Life

How to find the light in a difficult moment

Trista Signe Ainsworth
Optimism and Light


Lemon Lime Cream Scones served on a shiny silver platter in our garden.

The important thing is not to get swallowed by the darkness. To remember, even when the shadows grow long and you fear they will consume you, there’s still light in the world. You just need to find it.
Karen Brooks, The Chocolate Maker’s Wife

Sometimes, shadows and fear creep into your life. We all crave to feel the light of happiness at all times. Yet, when darkness threatens, we can find the sunshine.

It all started a few days ago when I received an abnormal result on a medical test. I feared the worst. Trying to focus on something else took most of my willpower.

Later this month, I will undergo a follow-up test and feel hopeful.

A daffodil is preparing to open in our garden. The sunshine yellow symbolizes hope.

While polishing some silver on a gloomy day, I noticed how the shine made me smile. It was not only its gleam that brought back my sparkle but also because those trays meant my parents were coming to lunch.

A chance to connect, chat, and match our…



Trista Signe Ainsworth
Optimism and Light

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.