Introducing the OPP Summer

Optimism Prime
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2024

Summer is always a good time to farm your favorite DeFi coins. But OPP cannot be farmed, which is a shame during these golden times. So, we decided to take action and kickstart the OPP summer.

In addition to our great OP yields in the Reliquary Prime, you will earn a share of an OPP airdrop if you own a relic that matches our airdrop criteria by the end of summer.

  • Any relic of pool OPP/ETH or OPP/opxVELO without a withdrawal, merge or split in the period from June 20, 2024 to September 22, 2024, is eligible.
  • Any additional deposit in the period from June 20, 2024 to September 22, 2024 on an eligible relic provides a boost (including the deposit at creation !)

The OPP bag to be airdropped will be accumulated during the summer using a portion of the treasury’s yield.

Airdrop Details

On September 22, 2024, at 23:59 UTC, each relic from OPP/ETH and OPP/opxVELO will be assigned a score expressed by the formula:


  • w is 0 if during the summer period the relic had a withdraw, was merged or splitted. It is 1 otherwise and the relic is eligible.
  • V is the TVL deposited in the relic, expressed in OPP
  • l is the level of the relic, between 1 and 4
  • V_d is the TVL deposited in the relic during the period, expressed in OPP

The most important metrics are the level and TVL of the relic. You can easily reach level 4 before the deadline if you start now. The V_d term at the end provides a boost for new deposits, but it isn’t scaled with level.

The OPP airdrop will be divided among relic owners based on these scores. The total amount is unknown because the OPP will be bought back using a portion of the treasury yield each week until the end of the summer.

A dashboard is being implemented to track the evolution of airdrop allocations and amounts.

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