
What optimization is really about

Leo Lu
2 min readDec 31, 2017


The slogan for this publication is “Maximizing Efficiency in Moving Forward”, and the mission is to help readers in doing so. Hear from people who have accomplished a change that they’ve wanted to — their backgrounds, thoughts on wanting that change, and steps taken to turn it into reality. Also, read about my thoughts on blockchain, a technology that will shape the future.

The logo: an “O” shaded with four different colors

The logo is shaded in different colors to signify balance. It’s about the understanding that one’s resources are limited, and thus the importance of proper allocation.

Optimization is not about trying to do everything in the best way possible, a surefire way to lead to over-stressing. It’s more about striking the right balance. Knowing what areas to let go of in order to concentrate more on other areas. Understanding that there may definitely need to be sacrifices made in order to get from one place to another. Executing with full knowledge, plowing forward and becoming all the better from it.

We hear the success stories, but not much about the process. No mentions of the hours spent honing a craft, first tries that ended in complete failure, times of difficulty when giving up would be easier. This is why the podcasts place an emphasis on how to start; listeners will hear how every individual has gotten his or her start.

We are all unique. With our own skills, interests, and experiences, there is a role to play for every one of us. Here’s to helping everyone optimize.



Leo Lu

Exploring my interests through research and exposition. Editor of Optimization. Enthusiast of the Future.