The Top 13 Kratom Enhancers + The Acid-Freeze Technique

(Potentiating Kratom Tea with supplements and other enhancers)

Mark Stein
10 min readJun 3, 2020


Kratom, (Mitragyna Speciosa), is a popular Indonesian plant from the coffee family. After experiencing 200 years of safe use in Southeast Asia, kratom is experiencing the same widespread use for the past decade in North America.

The anti-scientific attacks by the FDA and others are like failed attacks on another traditional plant, kava. Despite an estimated, 15 million American Kratom users, not one medical examiner has issued a death certificate listing the plant as a cause of death.

Respected scientists, such as Dr. Christopher McCurdy and Dr. Jack Hensfield, show us the safety of the plant. While research is showing a possible psychological dependence like caffeine, there are user reports of dependence when it’s abused. The science shows us this medicinally useful plant does not contain opiates but possesses “alkaloids”, which bind to the same brain receptor sites as exercise, dairy, coffee, and chocolate.

The primary challenge facing the daily Kratom user is rapid tolerance build-up with the hurdle of proper digestion of the dense cellular plant walls causing absorption issues. Many have thus looked to supplements to achieve more efficient absorption, tolerance, and potentiation of Kratom effects.

Finally, you will typically see my articles with an abundance of scientific references as I always attempt to make the case by following the science. As there is very little science on these supplements as Kratom potentiators, this list is instead a review of anecdotal user reports.

As its popularity continues growing, so does its applications for chronic pain, addiction management, depression, and other various applications such as adrenergic, analgesic, antidiarrheal, antimalarial, antitussive, and psychedelic (5-HT2A) antagonist benefits, with Kratom under review as a “Complete Pharmacy.” While Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine are the primary psychoactive Kratom alkaloids, studies are ongoing to further understand its over 40 alkaloids.

The Top Kratom Supplements

#1 Acids

Making Kratom difficult to absorb is the plant's dense cellular structure. Some users believe the plant breaks down better in an acidic solution for easier and better digestion. And many will use apple cider vinegar, orange, lemon, or lime juice as a mixing agent for this reason.

Some will use one of these acidic drinks to mask the taste for their tea. You can see the acid-freeze technique at the bottom of the page which many claim works best for them.

#2 Fats

The two primary alkaloids in Kratom, both Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine, are fat-soluble. This means Kratom is best absorbed with a fat source.

While we have no study to verify this, we have a study showing fat-soluble vitamin D when taken with 11 grams of fat is absorbed 16% and 20% greater than 0 and 35 grams of fat, respectively. Just two teaspoons of MCT oil is about 9.33 grams of fat and can be an effective route of adding a little healthy fat to your Kratom tea. Lecithin, an essential fat we find in the cells of our bodies, in the powder form, can increase absorption and is a common additive for this very purpose.

#3 Black Pepper/ Cayenne Pepper

Many users claim black pepper and or cayenne pepper enhances their Kratom tea. Whether in its active form of Bioperine or piperine, black pepper or black pepper extract can also increase the absorption of turmeric/ curcumin, another popular Kratom supplement.

Cayenne, the spicier red pepper, offers capsaicin as its active compound. The two delay the action of our liver clearing substances in the gastrointestinal system, thus increasing absorption with higher amounts of turmeric/ curcumin and Kratom, theoretically prolonging the effects.

#4 Curcumin

Curcumin is arguably the single best supplement for health optimizers, beyond the 5 core supplements. As the “King of adaptogens”, which are herbs maintaining body and brain homeostasis, curcumin acts as “Nature’s Anti-inflammatory.”

In delaying Kratom metabolism, curcumin prolongs the time of Kratom in the body, thus extending its duration of effects. As we discuss in our in-depth turmeric — curcumin review, curcumin as the active turmeric compound, makes it a more suitable supplement over standard turmeric.

#5 Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil (Nigella Sativa), one of the world’s oldest plants native to South Asia, has been used for an array of indications, and is affectionately referred to as, “the cure for all diseases except for death.” While black seed oil, also known as black cumin oil, has lacked evidential support, recently it has been used with significant success in the opioid community, and as well as anecdotally with human study support for raising acetylcholine, GABA, and serotonin levels.

We believe the mechanism for the anxiolytic and inhibitory black seed oil effect to be its high amounts of thymoquinone. Many claim even though they don’t know why it works, it is the best Kratom potentiator of them all.

#6 Magnesium

Magnesium is a top Kratom supplement, which many argue is the most important of them all. Kratom users use magnesium to manage Kratom tolerance, potentiate its effects while resolving constipation, the most common side effect.

Coming in a variety of types, the most “bioavailable” types of magnesium are those bound to amino acids, which we call chelated magnesium. As an easy rule of thumb, any magnesium ending in an “ate”, such as magnesium, citrate, glycinate, malate, are excellent choices, with each having their own unique benefit.

#7 Agmatine Sulphate (Arginine Amino Acid Metabolite)

Matching its very strong anecdotal support within the nootropics community, agmatine, a blocker of glutamate or NMDA antagonist, offers promising initial studies. Agmatine, an amino acid metabolite from another amino acid, L-arginine, is a popular athletic performance enhancer.

Many users report agmatine increases Kratom’s analgesic effects and manages tolerance build-up, but lowers its mood-boosting effects in larger dosages. It takes up to 2 weeks to build up in the system and must be used regularly to maintain benefits.

#8 Caffeine

One Kratom user claims, “Coffee + Kratom = Gold.” And who doesn’t love coffee?

All caffeine types appear to enhance the effects of Kratom. Those who experience the jitters can look towards L-Theanine containing matcha green tea or cocoa/cacao, which are more calming caffeine options.

#9 Cat's Claw

Users believe alkaloid containing Cat’s Claw increases Kratom efficiency while prolonging its effects. While we do not know exactly how it does this, we can speculate there is some natural synergy between Cat’s Claw and Kratom.

#10 Tyrosine, DLPA, Mucuna Pruriens

The amino acid, L-Tyrosine, as a precursor to dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, means without its presence, dopamine production will not happen. While many use DL-Phenylalanine, (DLPA) as an alternative in reporting it has better endorphin effects, mucuna pruriens might be a superior choice altogether.

The amino acid levodopa, (L-DOPA) is the strongest compound in mucuna pruriens, affecting dopamine by its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and thus enter the brain. This is noteworthy, as dopamine cannot do this.

As we use levodopa in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, there is some support showing mucuna pruriens with a standardized 15–40% L-DOPA is a superior delivery form, possibly because of other alkaloids in the bean. Interestingly enough, the bean has trace amounts of tryptamine, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound.

#11 Akuamma

Akuamma is an African plant containing analgesic, pain-relieving, and sedative properties. While one should look out for interactions, more Kratom users are combining these two plants and reporting excellent results.

As it does not offer the mood-boosting properties Kratom offers, Akuamma appears to be a milder alternative to Kratom. With Akuamma not drawing the scrutiny Kratom continues to experience, it remains widely accessible.

#12 L-Theanine

Found in the highest concentrations in matcha green tea at roughly 39 milligrams for every 2 grams, L-Theanine is a green tea derived amino acid. L-Theanine sometimes referred to as just theanine, is one of the most popular supplements in the nootropics community, and is often used as part of a “stack”, while combined to balance out the “jitters” from caffeine or other stimulants.

The dose most commonly researched and referenced is 200 milligrams, with theanine remaining popular for performance in focus, relaxation, and use as a sleeping aid.


Fully Empty Stomach, B-complex, Watercress, Chamomile, Cayenne Pepper, Capsaicin, L-Theanine, Valerian Root, Taurine, CBD, THC, Cannabis.

Effective but Not Recommended:

DXM, L-Phenibut, Grapefruit Juice, Tianeptine, Acetaminophen, Tagamet.


The average dosage for an average user is 3–5 grams whereas a heavy dose is 7–10 grams. One can always start with a lower dose and then redose within 20 minutes.

One level teaspoon of high-quality Kratom is typically 2 grams, depending on how fine the powder. Some suggest that one doesn’t exceed 10 grams per day.

Less is more with kratom, with stronger doses giving more of an opioid effect, while lower doses being more of a stimulating effect. The benefit of the acid-freeze technique you’ll find below is to keep the dose low.


(Many claim rotating their strains is helpful in managing tolerance.)



(AM with coffee, matcha, or cocoa)


More Balanced

(Versatile for nighttime or daytime going out or staying in)


Sedation/Pain/Addiction Disruption Relief

(Sleep and anti-anxiety in some reports)

Other Hybrids

In between strains include gold, yellow, purple, and other hybrids.

The Target

Some say the key is to hit the sweet spot. Some greens such as the green super Malay are already balanced, but some suggest mixing a red and white to avoid the jitters from the white strains or sedation from the red strains as they can balance each other out, giving you the best of both worlds.

How to Make Kratom Tea

Always take Kratom on an empty stomach or at least 3–4 hours on between meals. Try to avoid heavy meals in advance.

Food interacts with Kratom absorption. Wait at least an hour after dosing to eat as a worst-case scenario.

Dosing first thing in the morning is an easy logistical strategy. Many use the “toss and wash” method, which involves putting it on your tongue and washing it down with water.

The onset of effects typically occurs within 10–20 min. If you need to redose to increase effects, aim to do so within 20 min.

#13 The Acid-Freeze Method For Best Results:

Watch the Acid-Freeze Technique Video on our YouTube Channel

The Acid-Freeze Recipe:

Weigh Your Powder on a Scale

1) Put the measured powder in a glass.

2) Mix in 1 TBS of bottled lemon juice per every 4 grams used. Mix and mix well until you have a mud paste.

3) Let it sit for a minute.

4) Mix in hot but not boiling 2/3 cup water for every 5 grams used. Ideally, the temperature of 180F is best, producing tiny bubbles.

5) Let it sit for a minute.

6) Place in the freezer until you see a red or even green bubble and completely frozen. Some say this takes up to 10 hours.

7) Use hot, not boiling water to melt ice.

8) Drink with something acidic such as coffee

So what do you say?

What are your favorite Kratom supplements?

How do you make your Kratom tea?

Your Friend in Health

Mark Stein

