3 Tips to Make Your Writing Stand Out

Aditya Mishra
Optimized Copywriting
4 min readJan 30, 2019

Today, right before I was writing this post, I was checking my email.

And it was full of unread mail.

Photo by Christian Walker on Unsplash

You know, I have a habit of letting my email get clogged up like a drain. I let the unread mail get collected. Then one day, I check which ones are worth my time and which ones aren’t.

Why am I telling you this?
Well, because in my years of doing this, I’ve noticed a pattern.

I tend to read the emails of particular brands more often. I wondered, why?

So I did a lot of thinking and I came up with the following points:

They were Unique:

The internet is full of content. There are over a billion of blogs out there and so, there’s a whole lot of content.

As an average reader, I know this fact.

I also know that most of the blogs only publish regurgitated information. Why will I waste my time reading the same thing in a different way?

Actually, this is where things get interesting.

The best writers stay unique. And their uniqueness attracts more readers.

The uniqueness was either in the tone, the voice or the perspective. Take, for example, Jorden Roper.

She’s an amazing copywriter. But the market is full of people giving copywriting advice? (Like me)

What separates her from the rest of the market is her choice of words. She uses slang.

In fact, when I signed up for her email-list, her confirmation mail’s subject started with ‘Aw yeah!’

You get the point.

They were Trustworthy:

The internet has made it super-easy to get in touch with other people.
You can meet a random stranger on the streets too but the difference here is of location.

In the current market, you can connect with a person sitting at the other end of the globe and sell him/her something too.

Will you reply to an email like this one:

‘Hi, I’m Aditya, and I’m a copywriter. I’d like to teach you copywriting secrets for just $50. Just reply to this email to get started.’

Chances are, you’ll not. The reason is, you have to build trust and establish a healthy relationship before you can start ‘selling’ or ‘connecting’.

That’s why content marketing is so popular nowadays.

They knew What They were Talking About:

When people started hiring cheap writers and freelancers, a new trend emerged.

‘The Rise of the Fake Experts’

Now, the trend is fading away. Because people have grown tired of the fake experts.

They can recognize if a person knows what he/she is talking about.

(While we’re at it, what do you think about my writing? Do I sound like a guy who knows his stuff? Let me know in a comment)

What can you Learn from this?

Here is how you can make yourself stand out from the rest of the market:

Focus on your Voice:

How do you sound like IRL (in real life)?

Do you ask a lot of questions? Or, do you use slang?

Everyone sounds a little different. And writers sound different too.

Here’s a great article on writing voice on Copyblogger. You can sense how much knowledge they have on the topics they discuss.

Creating a writing voice takes time.

Be patient. With practice, you’ll develop an attractive writing voice for your brand (or self) as well.

You don’t have to be Jeff Goins or Charles Dickens to find your writing voice.
You can simply be you.

Be Consistent:

What is the best way to enhance your friendship with a person?

Is it by liking profile pics?

Nope. It’s through staying in touch.

Go out together. Share your experiences and find out what’s going on in each other’s lives.

It increases familiarity and strengthens the bond you share with each other.
But why am I giving friendship advice? Because the same thing applies to your brand as well.

If you want your brand to stand out, you have to be consistent.
Whether you’re a graphic designer, a content marketer, or a YouTuber, you should publish your content regularly.

I’ve discussed consistency in an article already. Here is the link if you want to check it out:

Why you should post content regularly.

Only Talk about What you know:

Do you know why Neil Patel, Ramit Sethi and other marketers succeed in getting a lot of clicks?

Because they only talk about what they know.

If you don’t about branding then don’t give branding advice.

This doesn’t mean you should stop altogether. I’m not discouraging you.

There must be a plethora of things you know about. Maybe you’re amazing at cooking, or maybe you’re good at sports.

Write about the things you know the most about.

Don’t be a fake expert. People have x-rays to find out if you’re a true expert or not, so beware.


Creating an audience can be tough. Take it from someone who hasn’t built a large audience yet.

But with consistent effort and a flair for writing (or content publishing), you can easily make people a part of your audience.

Let me know what you think of this article. And if you liked it, give it some claps, please.

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Aditya Mishra
Optimized Copywriting

I’m a freelance content writer. I help websites create engaging, attractive and compelling content. For any enquiries mail me at 4dity4.mishra@gmail.com