I don’t know my Audience, so what?

Aditya Mishra
Optimized Copywriting
2 min readDec 29, 2018

Identifying the audience of a brand is important. At least that’s what everybody says.

Photo by Andre Mouton on Unsplash

But what if your brand doesn’t have an audience. What if, you don’t know who to write for?

Writing without an audience is tough. Not only you need to visualize a person on the other end, you also have to ignore the negative thoughts.

What negative thoughts?

These ones-

  1. No one is going to read my content
  2. They will hate my content

3. I’m not ready yet

4. There are so many experts why would someone approach me?

5. I don’t have a degree

Do these thoughts matter? Nope, they don’t.

What matters is your will to create something. Do you really want to write an article? What will you get from out of it?

Content Marketers face a lot of difficulty coming up with their content. They have to understand the requirements of their audience, their interests, hobbies, liking, habits, etc.

Without this information they can’t come up with the right headline or the perfect slogan.

On the other hand,

As a content marketer, I think of myself as a creator. A singer is a creator. Does a singer need an audience to sing?

No, right? The audience is there to listen. So, do I need an audience to write for?

If you’re reading this, you’re my audience. (Thanks, by the way)

You’re reading this line, written by me, but why? Because you’re interested.

And that’s the key. Interest.

If a painter creates a painting for you, will you look at it? I’m sure I will.

Why will someone else look at that painting? Because they find it interesting.

Mona Lisa is one such painting. Leonardo da Vinci created it for his satisfaction. He wanted to create a masterpiece and he did.

The Takeaway:

You don’t need an audience to create something marvelous. As long as you’re a creator, you can keep creating high-quality content.

You don’t need to find someone special. You only need like-minded people. People with same interests, hobbies, liking, habits, etc.

Create content for yourself. Market it and you’ll find many like-minded individuals. I found you, you’ll find someone else.



Aditya Mishra
Optimized Copywriting

I’m a freelance content writer. I help websites create engaging, attractive and compelling content. For any enquiries mail me at 4dity4.mishra@gmail.com