What to do when a sentence doesn’t make sense?

Aditya Mishra
Optimized Copywriting


Sometimes freelancers do it on purpose.

Sometimes it gets too frustrating when you’re fighting the writer’s block. If you don’t know what a writer’s block is, let me explain. It’s when you can’t think of anything to write.

We writers face this problem every now and then.

However, I’ve seen many websites showing mediocre content. They have sentences, which speak a rather different language. It would something like this:

We are eager help you.

Or, something like this:

You will be glad to work with us as we are one of the best service providers in the field of content marketing and copywriter.

Did you notice the problem?

You know, I used to write like this. As a freelancer, you have to justify your rates. When your client is giving you $2 per 500 words, it gets too frustrating.

The additional issue arises when the client doesn’t know anything about copywriting and creating the perfect content. That’s when the freelancer loses his or her nerve and begins to jot down the anger.

It’s not right though

When I used to write such pathetic articles, I used to feel ashamed. Man, I couldn’t share this content with my new prospects. I can’t even include my own work in my portfolio.

I don’t know if everyone does that. However, when your sentence doesn’t make sense, it’s necessary to find the root of the problem.

Being a freelance copywriter, I came to know that most of the times, clients don’t know what they require. This is a big point. you should keep it in mind whenever you meet a new client or come across a new project.

When the recipient doesn’t know what to ask for, it becomes your duty to help him or her in getting the best. It’ll also depend on the kind of clients you meet. Which brings to my next point-

When the client is arrogant

One time, there was a client who wanted to write product descriptions for diamond rings. A luxurious product indeed. I visualized the target audience and began to write the content.

The content was focused on helping the reader how much valuable the product can be. It took effort. I had to write product descriptions for around 4 hours. However, when I got finished, I was proud of the final result.

I was able to include a CTA at the end, explain the product thoroughly and include a number of keywords.

But you know what happened? The client refused to accept the content. He (or she, I don’t know) only wanted generic content. The requirement was not of copywriting but more of narration.

I hated the job (even though, I did it all over again). But it made me realize that most of the clients don’t know what would help them.

Some of them are only looking for cheap solutions. There are still people present in the market who only want to fill their blog with keyword-stuffed content. Their sentences don’t have to make sense.

They don’t know that if people won’t be able to read the content, then it’s of no use. The content should be readable and convincing. Those are the basics of copywriting.

What you can do

Whenever you realize your sentences aren’t making any sense, re-evaluate. If it was a mistake , then you can improve it. But if it’s done on purpose. Make sure you know your client’s requirements (and the budget).

I apologize to the internet for giving such poor content.

And I believe you should consult with your client too whenever this problem arises.

What are thoughts on a sentence that doesn’t make sense? Feel free to begin a discussion.



Aditya Mishra
Optimized Copywriting

I’m a freelance content writer. I help websites create engaging, attractive and compelling content. For any enquiries mail me at 4dity4.mishra@gmail.com