#2017optimizationproject Daily Progress Report for 1/3/17


Justin P Lambert
Optimizing Justin P Lambert
4 min readJan 4, 2017


January 3 was an excellent day in terms of exercise. I started with a brief but intense set of calisthenics (squats, push-ups, crunches, high knees 3 sets of 10 in under 4 minutes) then followed it up later in the morning with a 2.5 mile walk. It felt great, (a fact I wish I could remember all those times I seem to dread exercise.) :

On the other hand, last night was “date night” and my wife and I hit the local O’Charley’s for dinner then Cook-Out for a vanilla and heath shake. Although we shared both, the numbers weren’t really pretty. Still, it was fun, and I don’t feel guilty enough to say it won’t happen again. :) Here’s the breakdown:




I’m still working on an effective graphic for this one. Stay tuned…

I slept 6 hours, 35 minutes Monday night. Went to bed right on time but it took me a little longer than usual to fall asleep. When the alarm rang at 5:00 am, I got up immediately and got right into my morning routine, which was great. I was full of energy almost from the word GO.

I did hit a tiny afternoon slump around 3:30 pm, but was able to revitalize myself with a really quick errand, running to the local plumbing supply store to order a part I need to fix our master bathroom tub faucet. Got right back to work when I got home.


Yesterday was a great one for exercise. Between the early morning calisthenics, the late morning walk, and the rest of the day’s standard activity, Google Fit counted up 1 hour and 24 minutes of active time, the equivalent of 3.47 miles walking, and 9122 steps. Just a hair less than my 10000-step goal, which makes it feel much more attainable than it did just the day before.


Mentally, I was alert and on the ball for the majority of the day. By my tracking, I clocked 6 hours, 13 minutes of engaged time between SPROUT work, personal projects, and a little bit of reading time. Since it was Tuesday and I wasn’t behind heading into the end of our current sprint, I was actually left with quite a bit less to do than usual on the SPROUT front. Normally, I would have gone in and pulled something from the next sprint to work on, but because of the transition to the New Year and some other adjustments that just came to light, I decided it would be best to just let it slide and start fresh with the new sprint as it was planned.

I enjoyed working on a couple personal writing projects, and think what I accomplished came out good. Creativity was abundant yesterday.


From a mood perspective, I felt good all day yesterday. I’m so glad to be out from under the latest depression cloud, at least for now. It was also “date night” so my wife and I spent a solid few hours together in the evening that allowed for more conversation and quality time than we usually get with the standard interruptions of everyday life at home.

So I ended up with a super-healthy 6 hours+ of emotional activity for the day. The one thing I failed to do, simply because I forgot, was meditation. But my mood didn’t suffer as a result, so I’m not concerned.

**NOTE: In the chart below, you’ll notice I edited the goal and starting point for my Social Activities category because I realized when I first set them, I wasn’t taking into consideration all the different activities I’m logging as social in my records. The new numbers are closer to reality.


Spiritual time for the day was pretty light, but I did hit my goals across the board, so I’m still counting it a successful day. Since there was no meeting or scheduled ministry, it came down to my morning Bible reading, daily text, and personal study routine, and prayer. Today’s numbers will be quite a bit higher just because we have our meeting tonight and I’ll be spending time late this afternoon preparing for that and practicing my talk.


I felt really good going to bed last night. Satisfyingly tired and accomplished. Here’s the overall tracking report (see this post if it looks like Greek to you):



Justin P Lambert
Optimizing Justin P Lambert

Husband, Dad, Self-improvement Junkie — A professional writer and amateur human being hoping to balance that equation.