#2017optimizationproject Daily Progress Report for 1/4/17

Justin P Lambert
Optimizing Justin P Lambert
3 min readJan 5, 2017


Yesterday was a derailment. An utter disaster. And, on the other side of the coin, it’s days like yesterday that truly prompted this entire project to begin with. I won’t go into a ton of detail below because 1) it’s kind of embarrassing, and 2) I don’t fully understand it myself. But, suffice to say I blew off just about every positive and healthy habit I’ve been trying to establish and filled in the blanks with far too many calories and a lot of wasted time.

But, for the sake of full disclosure and consistency, here are the facts:





6 hrs. 46 min. Got up with the alarm at 5:00 am.



I got enough work done to earn my salary, but barely. I did next to nothing on personal projects other than writing Tuesday’s progress report. I was alert throughout the day — no brain fog problems — I just chose to focus on playing video games and watching YouTube. :( Creativity was pretty low.


From a mood perspective, I felt good all day yesterday. I think, in the back of my mind, I knew it was a skate day, but that wasn’t enough of a realization to turn things around for me. Now, of course, I regret it. But, as I said above, that’s part of the reason I’m doing this project in the first place.


It was a meeting night, so spiritual time was high for the day. I did my daily text and Bible reading, worked on and practiced my talk for the meeting (which went really well) and, of course, attended the meeting itself.


Here’s a new time log breakdown (see the Tools page for an update) and the overall tracking report (see this post if it looks like Greek to you):



Justin P Lambert
Optimizing Justin P Lambert

Husband, Dad, Self-improvement Junkie — A professional writer and amateur human being hoping to balance that equation.