#2017optimizationproject Daily Progress Report for 1/5/17

Justin P Lambert
Optimizing Justin P Lambert
3 min readJan 6, 2017


I won’t go as far as saying yesterday was “a derailment” like I had to regarding the 4th, it wasn’t great. You’ll see a huge increase in “entertainment” time that required some unfortunate sacrifices. On the plus side, my calories were nice and low.





9 hrs. 25 min. I decided to turn off my alarm before turning in last night because I’ve been averaging 6–7 hours per night all week, and the couple extra Z’s felt good. Got up at 9:30.



I was mentally clear and on task when I was working yesterday, and I accomplished enough to feel alright about the day, but both before and after work I was extremely mentally lazy. Watched a movie, watched YouTube, played some mindless games on my tablet… the kind of time wasting I really can’t afford to indulge in. As you can see from the chart below, what got sacrificed for all that entertainment was personal study, exercise, prayer, and quality time/conversation. Not a worthwhile trade, in retrospect.


I didn’t think I was having any mood issues yesterday until I realized it was midnight and I was alone in the living room watching stupid YouTube videos and had been for a long time. While I can’t look back and say I felt depressed or lethargic specifically, my actions for the day were indicative of depression. I tend to lose myself in reading, TV, or web surfing when I’m depressed. I dearly hope it’s not a resurgence after having just gotten over a week-long stint two days ago.


Pretty bad day from a spiritual perspective. I did my daily text and Bible reading, but failed miserably both in prayer and in carving out time for more personal study. I did spend some time on congregations responsibilities, but they were minimal — mostly scheduling related and a little paperwork.


Here’s a new time log breakdown (see the Tools page for an update) and the overall tracking report (see this post if it looks like Greek to you):



Justin P Lambert
Optimizing Justin P Lambert

Husband, Dad, Self-improvement Junkie — A professional writer and amateur human being hoping to balance that equation.