#2017optimizationproject Daily Progress Report for 1/6/17

Justin P Lambert
Optimizing Justin P Lambert
3 min readJan 7, 2017


Yesterday came back on an upswing from the previous two days’ figures, although I still forsook formal exercise due to a busy schedule. The diet went well, work went well, and I’m super stoked to have gotten what I was waiting for from Amazon to put together my Optimize Journal — which I’ll be working on today.





Only managed 5 hours, 55 minutes last night. Went to bed way too late (after wasting the evening) and got up at 6:30 instead of 5:00.


I didn’t manage any formal exercise yesterday, but I was on the move off and on all day, so I was able to rack up 4659 steps.


I was in pretty good shape mentally yesterday and work productivity agrees with that summary. Creativity was at a high too, probably sparked in part by the arrival of my journaling supplies and thinking about starting that up.


I felt good throughout the day yesterday and got an incredible high when I received some unexpected but stunningly good news in the early afternoon. I kind of floated on that the rest of the day and haven’t really come down yet. :) Every now and then, magic happens.


Not a bad day from a spiritual perspective. I did my daily text and Bible reading, prayed a number of times, and handled quite a bit of congregation responsibilities including getting with everyone in the group about plans around the snowstorm for this weekend.


Here’s my time log breakdown (see the Tools page for an update) and the overall tracking report (see this post if it looks like Greek to you):



Justin P Lambert
Optimizing Justin P Lambert

Husband, Dad, Self-improvement Junkie — A professional writer and amateur human being hoping to balance that equation.