Unleash Improvement — Unleash the Avengers!

Andrew Sloan
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2016

“Scientists may have sophisticated laboratories, but never forget ‘Eureka’ was inspired in a bathtub.” — Toba Beta

People love new ideas. We are obsessed with invention. Invention broadens our concept of what is possible and generally make our lives easier.

Alexander Graham Bell developed the telephone in 1876, and revolutionized communication. The Wright Brothers designed, built and flew the first powered aircraft in 1903, proving to the world that humans could fly. Steve Jobs developed the iPod. Stan Lee created Spider-man and the Avengers. It’s hard to overstate the impact these inventions have had on our world. These inventors and their ideas captured our imagination. They were the Superheroes of their time.

But what if I were to say that these Superheroes earned their status not because they were inventors, but because they were improvers. Bell and the Wrights built their inventions based on the work of many others; Job’s iPod was an improvement of the Walkman; Disney inspired Stan Lee. It is the sheer scale and impact of their inventions improving our lives that has cemented their place in the history books.

“When I was a kid, Disney was one of my gods. I just loved movies like Snow White and Pinocchio.” — Stan Lee

The point of this article is not to diminish their work; on the contrary it is meant to inspire yours. You can invent, because invention is very simply a sexier word for improvement. Your workplace probably was started with the idea of making something better and improving something. Maybe over the years complacency has set in. While we cannot guarantee that we can catapult you to international fame and fortune, we have a few ideas to share with you on how you might be able to build the improvement catapult.

Improvement is a Culture and an Attitude.

Start small but think big. If improvement is valued, then positive change begins to trump boring continuity. Celebrating regular, incremental improvement can and will lead to extraordinary improvement.

Find your improvers.

There are potential improvers in every organization. Unleashing the creativity within teams can reap major benefits, both for team morale and the bottom line. They are your Avengers!

Unleash the Avengers!

With the freedom to seek out and realize improvement, your improvement gurus will start to live and breathe their superhero status. Give them the culture, the tools and the time to facilitate improvement and they will pay back the team 10 fold with ideas, enthusiasm and appreciation.

To quote Pawan Nagdev, a self-proclaimed superhero, and one of our Optimum Output teammates — “INVENTION sounds like a big word. But working at Optimum Output, I’ve experienced how invention is simply going through iterations of improving something til you get the desired output.”

TheBPR can facilitate your improvement journey, and we’d love to help you on the way to becoming superheroes in your own field. Visit theBPR.com and click support to get in touch with us!

