Announcing the YIEDLers Club!




  • OptyFi Protocol enables users to generate wealth from DeFi assets, simply and automatically.
  • In order to “keep up” with DeFi’s exponential growth and extreme volatility, the protocol is designed to continuously expand and optimize.
  • We are launching the YIEDLers Club to align our protocol with our community.
  • By improving our product and helping OptyFi to grow, YIEDLers will receive boosted yield, airdrops, early-access to OptyFi products, and an exclusive NFT.

Why the YIEDLers Club?

OptyFi’s vision is to enable anyone to generate wealth from decentralized assets, simply and automatically.

For this reason we built a powerful, flexible, and decentralized “wealth generating machine”: the OptyFi Protocol. It’s able to scale fast enough to keep up with the explosive growth in DeFi while managing its extreme volatility and risks. Our community of Builders continues to expand and optimize this machine in order to create “Wealth For the People By the People”.

OptyFi’s flexible architecture enables us to easily deploy new products (Vaults). The following Vaults are coming to you very soon:

  • Core token Vaults ( DAI, USDC, ETH, and WBTC)
  • LP token Vaults (for DEX LP Tokens)
  • NFT Vaults (Collectibles, Land, Gaming, Music, Domains)
  • Real Asset Vaults.

No web3 product can exist if it’s not community-driven. We need people aligned with our values, and excited by our mission. We need you, YIEDLer.

The Power of Decentralized Communities

The rise of decentralized communities where product users are also product owners has created an incredible opportunity for a much more intimate relationship between product developers and users.

Essentially, a product can now be crafted in the open amongst the same community that will be its earliest adopter. We have come from an era of trying to achieve product-market fit to a world where product-community alignment is more valuable and powerful.

The OptyFi’s YIEDLers Club is how we align our products with our community.

OptyFi YIEDLers

Are you one of us?

The YIEDLers is an invite-only club that groups the best of the best in DeFi.

The following scientific diagram illustrates the main qualities of an OptyFi YIEDLer:

We are happy to provide exclusive benefits for the most cherished members, SuperYIEDLers:

SuperYIEDLers Status Benefits:


In the next few days, we’ll identify the community members who have been most supportive of our project, most engaged, and who are most knowledgeable about OptyFi products.

Specifically, the core team will be looking at several criteria and assessing points in order to determine which community members qualify for SuperYIEDLer status. We will not be releasing our points system nor sharing individual user scores. The idea is that our SuperYIEDLers do these activities anyways and we do not want anyone to try to game the system.

We will also be posting surprise opportunities to earn points.

To make sure you are included in our selection process, please make sure you have completed the sign-up form here.

If you signed up previously, then you do not need to do it again. But if you did not provide your Ethereum address, Discord, Twitter or Telegram handles, either complete the form again or get in touch with our community manager Thiago:

  • Discord → Thiago/zygb#4125.
  • Email:

DeFi has already brought financial freedom to many.

The methods of the smartest DeFi investors can now become available to anyone.

Unlock the true potential of DeFi while maintaining your sanity.

Are you ready to YIEDL with OptyFi?

Join the Community!



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Crypto Content Writer and Community Manager