How The Blockchain May (Literally) Save Your Skin

How Opu Labs Is Evolving Skincare Through Blockchain Technology

Opu Labs
Opu Labs
4 min readApr 13, 2018


Terms like ‘blockchain’ and ‘cryptocurrency’ have become bywords for digital innovation of late. They seem to be related to different technology platforms, but few of these seem to offer real value to the Average Joe — or Josephine. However, the more ambitious projects are tackling issues that affect people every day through technology; and that’s what we’re aiming to do here at Opu Labs: by creating a platform that will improve and innovate the $122 B global skincare industry.

“Through a combination of blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, image analysis, and eCommerce tech, Opu Labs is creating an intelligent skincare service on a global level.”

Innovating A Multibillion Dollar Industry

With 500 million Facebook users interested in skincare it’s bewildering to think that so few people have access to professional advice. Most follow recommendations from people they know, as well brand marketers, and well-meaning –but often misleading– claims they hear or see in the media.

Those who’ve tried scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist know the frustration of waiting weeks to get a consultation — and the expense. And so many spend years trying different products, struggling to find something that matches their individual skincare needs. Opu directly tackles these frustrations by creating a secure community where consumers can discuss their skin concerns with trusted professionals and get customized guidance.

We’re on the cusp of launching Opu — a customizable web and mobile enabled platform that aims to simplify and democratize access to professional skincare advice using a fusion of blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, image analysis, and eCommerce technologies.

It works like this: users take a photo of their face, which is analyzed by Opu’s native AI system that is being trained by Opu’s team of dermatologists. The results are then matched to high quality products and programs which are designed by experts based on the skincare goals set by each individual. Each user can then choose either self-guided programs or connect online with their personal dermatologist and/or skincare advisor who guides them along their journey.

Building A Trust-Based, Rewards-Focused Ecosystem

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’re using the Ethereum blockchain to build a trust-based ecosystem; using its smart contract technology to ensure that personal data stays secure and to validate transactions. This functionality allows us to create our own incentives and rewards program; and to establish our very own cryptocoin — Opu Coin — which will be used as the primary payment method in the app. Plus, users, employees, and skincare professionals can earn Opu Coins when they complete certain tasks, such as completing their profile or setting goals.

To help us create and perfect these services, we’ll be running a public Token Sale in June in which qualifying participants will be able to purchase Opu Coins. Only 5.5% of the total 12 billion coins are being offered through the crowdsale and the rest will be circulated throughout the Opu ecosystem. To optimize adoption of the coin, Opu already has dozens of partnerships in the works with a number of leading skincare professionals and has made the coin compatible with Bitcoin and Ether. The current Token Pre-Sale (including Private Sale) discount is at 50% and will continue to decrease until the end of April.

Experienced Leadership & Expert Advisors

To ensure the Token Sale’s success and to make the Opu a leading name in accessible skincare services, the Opu Labs management team — led by founder and CEO Marc Bookman, and COO Richard Reed — has appointed a talented team of international technology specialists and leading skincare professionals.

Our technology team is led by CTO Raj Jhaveri and our VP of Engineering, Lucy Omo — ably supported by our Chief Architect, James Hodgman and a team of tech and blockchain specialists.

Our dermatology team is led by our Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali and Dr. Anna Karp who is working on Opu’s analysis and recommendation system. They are supported by a number of other dermatology professionals, including Dr. Lauren Ploch, Dr. Ashvin Garlapati, Dr. Omar Noon, Dr. Jordan Fabrikant, Dr. Matthew J. Elias, Dr. Farhaad Riyaz, and Dr. Pradyumna Vaidya.

As the Token Sale date nears, the entire Opu Labs team will be helping to raise awareness of our products, technology, and ecosystem to ensure that anyone interested has all of the information they need to feel confident about participating.

Evolving Skincare Through Blockchain Technology

We are excited to welcome you to our project! For more information, follow the links below:

• 🌐 Website (ICO):

