$3,000+ Opyn Meme Challenge!

Wade Prospere
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2021

Over the last few weeks we’ve seen some hilarious options memes in our Discord and twitter DMs, so we thought we’d make it a competition. Since this is DeFi, we’re adding a little twist.

For the next ~two weeks (March 19 to April 1st), we’re going to host a meme contest with rewards for the top 3 finance / options memes. Each winner’s meme will be minted as an NFT on Rarible, and Opyn will place the starting bid at $1,000. However, it’s possible for the reward to be worth much more than $1,000! All NFT earnings will go to the creator of the meme, and Opyn will not take any earnings from the sale of the NFT.

Two winners will be chosen based on votes by the Opyn Discord community, and the third winner will be selected by the Opynauts. So depending on your skill level, pull out MS Paint, Sketch, or Photoshop, and get designing!


  • Contestants should post an options meme on Twitter and Discord (in the memes channel). When shared on Twitter, it must be posted with the hashtags #opyn and #defi
  • Memes must be posted between 12:01 am PT on March 19 and 11:59pm PT on April 1st
  • Memes must be related to DeFi and/or options trading
  • Users can submit as many memes as they want. Each meme will be considered if it fits the criteria above

Winner Selection:

  • At the end of the contest (April 1st), the valid entrants will be reposted by Opyn in the memes channel, and our Discord community will vote via emoji reactions on two winners. Voting will last for 48 hours from the time of posting.
  • After all memes are submitted and voted on in Discord, the Opynauts will select an Opyn favorite. Bonus points for nerdy options memes :)


  • After winners are selected, the three meme creators will mint their memes as NFTs on Rarible, and Opyn will place the starting bid at $1,000. Opyn’s bid will set a floor on the meme prize, but your meme could sell for much more if it’s dank enough!
  • All NFT earnings will go to the creator of the meme, and Opyn will not take any earnings from the sale of the NFT.

If you’re looking for some meme inspiration, here are some themes to consider starting with:

  • Greeks
  • Leverage
  • #HODL
  • DeFi
  • Insurance
  • Speculative bets
  • Payoff charts
  • Calls / Puts
  • Spreads
  • Capital Efficiency
  • Theta Gang
  • Risk

If you have any questions about how it works, come join us in Discord! Happy meming

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