Opemipo Omosa
Opywrites Stories
Published in
6 min readApr 6, 2022


Pelumi didn’t expect the change that her life was going to experience.

Photo by Godisable Jacob: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-standing-1537496/


“Marriage is overrated” The pretty dark skinned customer who I had secretly named Nubia Queen in my head, said matter of factly as she scrolled through her phone.

Tell me about it” I thought as I braided her hair. Finally, someone understood what I had been trying to explain to my mum for ages.

Nubia Queen’s friend who was getting her nails done on the other side of the shop let out a tiny laugh.

“ What makes you say that?” She asked.

“ I just saw a post on Bella Naija about this bride that found her groom cheating on her on their wedding day. If you see the way she is crying and bawling her eyes out.”

“Poor girl. Well, I’d say it’s all for the best.”

“I agree” Nubia Queen replied “At least she has saved herself from marrying a cheat”

“Who even cheats on their wedding day?”

Nubia Queen scoffs “You really don’t know Lagos men. Come rain Come shine, they are ready to be inside the nearest girl”

I tried to look and remain professional as I held in a laugh and focused on what I was doing. I looked at my work bestie, Uloma who was filing the nails of the other customer. It was obvious that she was hiding a smile, although she did a bad job at concealing it.

I could feel my phone buzz in my pocket all of a sudden and I didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that it would be my mum who had made it her habit to be the master of bad timing. She always calls whenever I am working or on the busy streets of Lagos trying to get transport home.

I knew I was going to get an earful from mum when I eventually picked up the phone because she didn’t get the memo that when I am working, I have to be a 100% focused on what I am doing.

“I’m done” I announce as I run my hands through Nubia Queen’s braids one last time.

Nubia Queen stands up and faces the mirror, turning sideways to admire her braids and probably look out for errors.

“Do you like it?” I asked.

This was the part of hair styling I dreaded the most. Some customers would let all hell loose because to them, I didn’t get the style they wanted. Some would make a fuss over a tiny detail that doesn’t even matter. It could be anything really and one thing I had learned on the job was to expect the unexpected

“I love it” She says slowly with a light smile.

I quietly let out a sigh of relief. It is at this point that I can admire my work and creation because as long as the customer is happy, I am happy.

Her friend who had been done with her nails a while ago, stands up and lets out a yawn “Finally. This is why I hate braids. They take too long.”

Nubia Queen shakes her head as she lets out a laugh “ You are just lazy.” She comments.

She pays me for the job and leaves with her friend.

I immediately grab a broom to clean up the extensions on the floor while Uloma who was laying on the couch, sat up.

“ Those people are funny.” She said with a giggle.

“I know right? I wish my mum was here so she could hear all that they were saying”

“She is still disturbing you?”

“Has she ever stopped? I even have to call her to hear the daily lecture of how I don’t have a man.”

Uloma shakes her head “ Sucks to be you.”

I let out a sigh “ I know. I’d call her when I go to the mall. Do you want to come with me?”

“And listen to you talk to your mum? No way. I’d rather wash a filthy toilet”

I grab a comb and throw it at her, she laughs as she dodges it.

Uloma and I both work at Blessing’s Beauty shop. I had moved to Lagos to find a life for myself and came across a vacancy for hair dressers. It seemed like a good idea since I was already making hair for people back when I was in uni.

I met the owner of the place and she was a delight to talk to. She explained that she was renting the space to me and all I had to do was pay her a certain percentage weekly from all I earned and it sounded like a good idea to me. I loved the aesthetic of the Salon with its white walls, dark brown chairs and nicely framed mirrors. It was the kind of place that attracted people of caliber.

Uloma and I clicked instantly and that was because she is the best nail technician I have ever met. Her work is usually so neat and appealing.

We had other people that rented the space too like a makeup artist and an esthetician but they weren’t as consistent as Uloma and I and that’s probably because people have to book appointments before seeing them unlike Uloma and I that can work with clients whether they book an appointment or not (The last minute ones pay the best).

I finished cleaning up the space and grabbed my bag to leave. I noticed Uloma was still sitting down on the couch.

“Aren’t you going to leave?” I ask her as I head towards the exit.

“I’m waiting for someone” She said dismissively but that was enough to get my attention.

“Does this someone happen to be a man?”

I could swear I saw her blush before she went back to a dead pan expression.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” She replied as she avoided looking at me.

I laughed as I left her alone in the shop. I knew she would eventually tell me about it.

“ Na wa for you. You don’t like talking to your mother.” My mother scolded.

I rolled my eyes as I picked my face cream and body wash from the counter of the store I was in and placed it in my basket.

“Mummy. You know the kind of work I do. I don’t always have the time…”

“…you don’t always have time for your mother. Imagine” She interrupted.

I let out a sigh “That’s not what I am saying.”

“Anyway, I spoke to Pastor Jimmy and he said I should tell you that you will soon meet your husband but you should shine your eyes because he will come in the most unexpected way.”

“Okay. I’ve heard ma”

“You know I have been saying it. Open your eyes to meeting men but every time I say it, you don’t listen.”

“ Mummy, my eyes are always open. I can’t force men to want me.” I said as I paid the cashier behind the counter who raised her eyebrows at my statement. That’s her business.

“It’s not about forcing them. Just be open. That’s all”

“I’ve heard ma.” I was out of the store and ready to leave the mall. “I have to go mum, I’ll call you later. Love you.”

“Okay o. Bye bye” She said before ending the call. She always complained that I was quick to cut her off but she never thought about how she always made a fuss over the phone.

“Lord, at this point, if anyone should propose to me right now, I would say yes just to get mum off my back.” I mutter as I head towards the exit of the mall.

I almost fall as I see a young, and handsome man in a well tailored suit rush towards me, facing me and blocking my view. I frown as I look around wondering what was happening.

“Excuse me?”

I watch in confusion as he goes on one knee, with a ring in his hand stretched out before him.

“Will you marry me?”

Author’s note: Thank you for reading the first episode of this story. I can’t wait to unravel all that I have in store for you. Expect a new episode each week and don’t forget to share with your friends, clap for me and leave a comment.

Question of the episode: What do you think is going on with the proposal?



Opemipo Omosa
Opywrites Stories

I write fiction books with fun heroines. I also enjoy reading books and writing little musings in my head. Email:authoromosaopemipo@gmail.com