Oqique Collective
Published in
6 min readApr 8, 2017



Navigating through life, we most likely (at this moment) in time have come to a full understanding of the journey as a struggle, strive and constant tireless efforts to attain success, wealth or peace of mind. In this journey, we have also (probably) come to understand the continuous presence of seen and unseen battles we have to fight to avoid drowning in the waters of life.

Presently, the unseen warfare outweighs the seen. The fight to maintain one’s saneness in an era of unending flood of information, the fight to stay focused in the midst of well-coordinated distractions, the fight to stay connected and firmly rooted to the Source of Life, the fight to maintain an astute spiritual life. Battles of ideologies, principles, dogmas and vague unseen spiritual realms. All orchestrated by diverse factors from poverty, corruption (of all kinds), inequality, self-affliction to the diabolical supernatural being known as — the devil.

A careful study of scripture reveals countless interference and intervention of human affairs by divine and evil spiritual realms. Unexplainable acts so divine and bewildering that the human mind comes to a conclusion of ‘the supernatural powers that be’. Unfortunately, Western concepts such as an absolute reliance on logic, self and the physicality of things, has denied most citizens of first worlds the ability to comprehend the vast gifts of the human spirit. The individual with firm understanding of the human spirit has access to spiritual realms where billions of abstract and intended actions have equal and opposite reactions in physical spheres. God or an Absolute Being (as some choose to call Him) is spirit. Therefore, to gain access to the innermost dynamics of His mind, the human spirit in total humility and truth has to align with His spirit.

One present phenomenon that has stood out in my observation of culture, trends and discourses is the increasing use of predictive programming to subtly explain and pass across global spiritual happenings and events. Focusing on the issue of unseen warfare, the Roswell event of 1947 stirred up so much enigmatic rhetoric and dilemma to an extent that Hollywood took an advantage and created bunch of movies. Artists and popular culture created comics and narratives that included individuals from other planets and those with superhuman abilities. It sank deep into our minds and beliefs so much that the word ‘alien’ was no longer unwelcoming, weird, and daunting. Fast-forward to present times, the ‘alien rhetoric’ is now deeply rooted in popular culture and extended further into phrases like ‘they are among us’ and ‘space is the place.’ One of the causes of this, I argue, is the constant use of predictive programming and other means such as the intentional dumb down of language, social engineering and the engineering of consent to shape human thinking, perspectives and produce the idea of self-satisfaction and fulfilment amidst unseen warfare.

Recent films and works of art are exploring the thematic concepts of the opening of portals into other realms dimensions, ushering in alien beings from other multiverses and their wars into our own universe and space. Films, literature, and television series such as Stargate, Star wars, Superman, Thor, Transformers, Harry Porter, Suicide squad, Doctor Strange, Fantastic beasts and where to find them are not merely ordinary works of art and remarkable narratives, but are also mediums of explaining current spiritual events or the foretelling of future spiritual events. In these narratives, we see themes of the opening of portals, alternate reality, alien characters, malicious spirit beings, DNA modification and immense interactions between physical and spiritual dimensions — intermarriage, possession and other forms.

Although psychological in nature, these current mediums of predictive programming are not just subtly preparing a generation’s state of mind for future events, it is also telling the human spirit narratives that are restrictive, harmful and manipulative in the sense that — it is creating a culture of simulation, spiritual decadence and the spreading of false truths. Not dismissing the fact that it is also a means of education, however, the notion that it is safe to have awful spirit beings from other realms dwell among us, directing the course of our lives and violates the laws of kinds and nature.

Narratives wrapped up in fairy tales for the purposes of entertainment and spectacle such as ‘the good aliens live in the end’ or ‘supernatural beings signing treaties with earthly governments.’ The build-up and saturation of such narratives and imaginations overtime becomes an obstacle to the zero sensitive or partially rooted spiritual individual and generation striving to understand God. It thickens the veil over the eyes of humanity and further deepens God’s question to lost souls — “Adam where art thou?”

What now is the purpose of this explanation? The fathers have eaten sour fruits and the children’s teeth are set on edge. I strongly believe that humanity is gradually entering into a phase of perilous times, where the physical manifestation of sinister entities from other realms will be seen — demons walking amidst us in their true form. The inhabitants of earth in those times will accept it as the norm. One of the main concern of our generation is that we are gladly sowing the seeds by unconsciously accepting these predictive programmes as future realities, welcoming and buying into this simulation of unseen warfare, the opening portals and the ushering in of abominable spirits, without knowing its severe consequences. Instead, we should be putting up spiritual defence mechanisms in forms of prayers, fasting correcting these narratives and acquainting ourselves with the devices of the crafty. In the words of Christ, signs of His second coming (Christ is not an alien) are compared to the times of Noah, when all forms of human and spiritual corruption described above was practiced.

Furthermore, this essay seeks not to only relay an observation, but to also implore sleepy spiritual minds to awake to the understanding of current/future global, local, environmental spiritual and psychological warfare. By all means do enjoy the pleasure of entertainment, however those who are spiritually awake (through Christ), should not be distracted by the spectacle of current predictive programmes, but should be attuned to the spirit, sober-minded, vigilant and do not be like stagnant water, which overtime and loses its purity stinks to the world. As expressed in the earlier parts of this essay that the spiritual has an impact in the physical. For this reason, it is vital to wisely discern (using the Holy Spirit as a medium) time, seasons, energy, sentiments, scents, dreams, popular culture, movements, individuals and various happenings, as they might be strong indicators of current or future spiritual battles within the life of an individual, group, nation or generation.

Moreover, the mind wholly depending on logic cannot clearly understand the above words, because such a mind is stuck in realms of carnal thinking and doing. Thus, some unnatural happenings or occurrences within the abode of such individual are unexplainable by the individual themselves. To step out of carnal thinking and doing, the acceptance of Christ (by faith)as truth, life and reality, such mind overtime will experience absolute renewal, paving way for power and the knowledge of truth to understand that- the battle is not against flesh and blood, but of spiritual wickedness in other dimensions and realms. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal; our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses, thoughts, narratives and imaginations of all kinds. Words and language used with intent through prayer does play a crucial part. Understanding (by faith) that one’s spirit being (perfectly aligned with God’s) is gifted with power, hence the use of words to speak life and death into realms, dimensions and situations will definitely have and equal or opposite reactions. So yes, please watch movies and enjoy culture of all kinds because fear is an illusion, and the true children of light will always dwell in Goshen, while the rest of Egypt wallow in thick darkness. Never hesitate to help them find their way back to light.

