Graphql Oracledb Stand Up Friday Talk

Steven Black
Oracle Cloud Hub
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2018

My first developer talk in the books!

You can see the recording yourself at this link, or get the presentation and all the materials here

This site (hosted from out unofficial cloud-hub GitHub repository) has all the materials I presented in my talk. The GitHub repo that has the code for the site also has everything you need to run the modified GraphsiQL app on a real Oracle Database yourself!

Building it

Not a trivial task.

I was hoping to have the demo done three weeks before hand (before Q4 really picked up) but a last-minute trip to San Fransisco to record at Oracle Studios and two HUGE projects for my Masters degree derailed all plans. In the end my goal was to finish it over the weekend. All in all I finished most of this in a week (and spent most of that time fiddling with Gatsby). Gatsby is a fine and good static site generator but I wouldn’t trade it for Hugo any day. I’ll have to do comparison between Hugo, Jekyll, Gatsby, and Docusaurus once I get a chance to give Docusaurus a try.

Presenting it

This was the fun part.

I don’t know who ended up showing up (there were just under 50 people there for the live event) but Thank You! I enjoy talking about cool stuff I’m playing with. I do so much reading (blogs, documentation, workshops) that sometimes I just want make some of my own!

Originally published at



Steven Black
Oracle Cloud Hub

Ramblings of Enthusiasm. I’m a Solution Engineer @Oracle, on twitter @Genseb7. Here are my views (not those of my employer)