Coherence CE 23.09 Is Here!

Randy Stafford
Oracle Coherence
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2023

Today the Coherence team announces the availability of Coherence Community Edition (CE) release 23.09, leveraging virtual threads when running on Java 21. The release also supports Java 17 and contains many other new features and bug fixes. CE 23.09 is a non-LTS release, supported until the next Community Edition release, 24.03 in March of next year.

Elements of the release are:

CE 23.09 contains the following new features:

  • Java 21 Virtual Threads Support Java 21, released ten days ago, finalized virtual threads as a feature of Java SE. This language feature has the potential to revolutionize Java software (like Coherence) making heavy use of multi-threading and thread pooling, from a scalability and performance perspective. Coherence CE 23.09 by default uses virtual threads when running on Java 21, in preference to platform threads in its thread pooling implementations. For more detail and discussion, refer to the CE 23.09 documentation section on virtual threads.
  • Sorted Views — building on Coherence’s client-side views feature, CE 23.09 introduces the concept and implementation of Sorted Views. These are client-side view caches whose contents are sorted by either natural sort order or a custom Comparator. As views on backing distributed caches, their contents are kept in sync with the backing caches automatically. For details on how to instantiate Sorted Views, refer to the feature documentation.
  • Secured Production Mode — CE 23.09 allows easy configuration of a secured production mode, in which SSL/TLS communication is enabled between cluster members, and between proxy servers and their clients. The configuration can be provided either via operational overrride configuration file, or via Java system property. For further information refer to the documentation.

In addition to the above major new features, CE 23.09 contains a half-dozen other more minor new features, and 51 bug fixes. For a complete list, please refer to the release notes.

With support for Java 21 virtual threads, it’s a brave new world for Coherence and Coherence-based applications. We’d love to hear about your scalability and performance experiences as you take up this new release, Coherence CE 23.09.

