Coherence CLI 1.5.0 Released!

Tim Middleton
Oracle Coherence
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2023

We are pleased to announce that we have just released version 1.5.0 of the Coherence command line interface (CLI).

Supported Coherence Versions

This release introduces support for Coherence CE versions 22.06.4 and 23.03 as well as the latest commercial patch

New Features Overview

Below are some of the new features which have been added to the CLI to enhance management and monitoring of Coherence clusters from the command line:

  • Topics Support — The latest patches of Coherence include improvements for managing and monitoring topics and the CLI includes many command to support this. See below for more info on these.
  • Enabling display color formatting of important values such as cache hit rates, StatusHA, memory limits, etc for better visibility
  • Various commands to display cache stores, network and point-to-point stats and service storage
  • Commands for enabling federation logging
  • Addition of the -W watch command to watch and clear screen for a better monitoring experience

Some of the major features are describe below in more detail.

Note: For a full list of new features and fixes, see the release notes on GitHub.

New Topics Management Commands

The above Coherence versions include enhancements for managing and monitoring Coherence Topics. Included below are some of the new topics commands.

Note: See the CLI Command Reference for the full list of topics commands.

Get Topics

The cohctl get topics command below shows a summary of the two topics defined in this cluster, along with message publishing counts, subscribers and channels.

get topics command output

Get Subscribers

The cohctl get subscribers command below shows subscribers for two topics, one topic having durable subscribers and the other having anonymous subscribers.

Get Subscriber Groups

The cohctl get subscriber-groups command below shows the subscriber groups for topic sms-messages and includes various statistics.

Describe Topic

The command cohctl describe topic shows all details related to a specific topic.

Terminal Color Formatting

We have added the ability for color formatting of terminal based output to highlight important values such as cache hit rates, StatusHA, memory limits and various error counts. This can help in diagnosing issues and general monitoring of your cluster.

In the following, we can see a low hit rate highlighted for caches.

Other Updates

  • Added cohctl get network-stats to show all member network statistic for a cluster
  • Added cohctl get p2p-stats to show point-to-point network statistics for a specific member
  • Added cohctl get service-storage to show partition storage for all services
  • Added cohctl get cache-stores to show cache store information for a cache
  • Added cohctl set federation to set traceLogging for a federated service
  • Added cohctl reset proxy-stats to reset connection manager stats. Only available with recent CE releases
  • Added the -S option to get members to show a summary of members


The latest version of the CLI continues to enhance the management and monitoring features for Coherence clusters from the command line.

For more information, see below:

