Coherence Spring 4.0.0 & 3.3.3 Released

Gunnar Hillert
Oracle Coherence
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2023

Ready for Spring Boot 3.1 & Jakarta EE

Kilauea Iki Crater at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

The Coherence Spring team proudly announces the release of Coherence Spring 4.0.0 and Coherence Spring 3.3.3.

What’s New in Coherence Spring 4.0.0

Coherence Spring 4.0.0 is the first release targeting the Jakarta EE Apis. This means that we refactored our codebase to switch from using the javax.* packages to jakarta.* packages and also updated all relevant library and framework dependencies to the respective Jakarta EE versions. This includes an update to the very latest versions of Spring Framework 6.x and Spring Boot 3.1.x.

As a result, the baseline Java version also got bumped to Java 17.

Since these are major changes in itself, we refrained from adding any major features to this release and solely made a few fixes and a single deprecation.

As Spring has slightly different dependency injection semantics compared to CDI and Micronaut, we employ a few workarounds to have a common programming model that is aligned between all 3 dependency injection frameworks and their respective Oracle Coherence support:

A minor fix in Spring Framework caused an issue for the injection of ValueExtractors and Filters. Luckily we were able to resolve that issue without incurring any breaking changes.

Furthermore, we deprecated the explicit gRPC configuration support in Coherence Spring. Specifically, we deprecated the GRPC session type. Instead we recommend using the session type CLIENT and to configure gRPC via coherence-cache-config.xml configuration. That way both client configuration options Coherence*Extend and gRPC are configured similarily. Please see the Coherence Spring reference documentation for details as well as the Coherence documentation chapter Configuring the Coherence gRPC Client.

For a detailed list of changes, please refer to the release notes on GitHub. The documentation for Coherence Hibernate 3.0.0 is available here.

What’s New in Coherence 3.3.3

Coherence Spring 3.3.3 is mostly a maintenance release, updating several dependencies, e.g. updateing Spring Boot to 2.7.13 and Spring Framework to 5.3.28. In preparation for the Coherence Spring 4.0.0 release, we had migrated to Spring Boot’s new AutoConfiguration support (Introduced with Spring Boot 2.7). That change was reverted to be backwards compatible with older Spring Boot releases.

For a detailed list of changes, please refer to the release notes on GitHub.

Contribute to Coherence Spring!

We would love to hear from you! Please take Coherence Spring and Coherence CE for a spin! If you have questions, please join our Slack channel or ask questions on Stack Overflow. If you see missing features or if you have any other suggestions for improvement please contact us, e.g. via Twitter @OracleCoherence or feel free to file a GitHub issue. Contributions are always welcome!



Gunnar Hillert
Oracle Coherence

Consulting Member of Technical Staff at Oracle for the Coherence team. Java Champion, former Spring team member, OSS committer, DevNexus co-founder.