Coherence VisualVM Plugin 1.2.0 Released

Tim Middleton
Oracle Coherence
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2022

We have just released an update to the Coherence VisualVM Plugin to coincide with the recent Coherence CE 21.12 release.

This new release has a number of bug fixes, full support for displaying Topics via REST connections, as well as support for a major new feature, the Executor Service, introduced in 21.12 which is part of a Distributed Concurrency module.

The Executor service provides a facility to dispatch tasks, either a Runnable or Callable to a Coherence cluster for execution. The VisualVM plugin displays information about each executor including the current number of tasks in progress, completed and in error. Graphs showing total tasks in progress and completed for the cluster are also displayed below.

The screenshot below shows the new Executor tab which is displayed when you are running the Executor Service within your cluster.

New Executor tab

You can learn more about this and other new features on the Coherence Community page.

Updating to the new version

If you already have the plugin installed, then within VisualVM Choose Tools -> Plugins from the main menu and click on Check for Updates if it doesn't already show in the Updates tab.

If you have never installed the plugin before then follow the instructions here to install.


See for information on the new Coherence VisualVM Plugin release or read on for a summary of the new features.

