Micronaut Coherence 1.0.0 Milestone 1 Released

Aleks Seovic
Oracle Coherence
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2021

We are pleased to announce immediate availability of Micronaut Coherence 1.0.0-M1, the first milestone release on the road to the 1.0.0 release in June.

While only a preview release, it certainly packs a punch by providing support for a number of Micronaut features.

Dependency Injection of Coherence-managed Objects

A new micronaut-coherence module provides factories for commonly used Coherence objects, such as Cluster, Session, NamedMap, NamedCache, NamedTopic, and many others, which allows you to easily inject those objects into your application classes.

Listeners for Coherence Events

The micronaut-coherence module also provides support for Coherence server- and client-side events via Micronaut event listeners.

Micronaut Data Support

The micronaut-coherence-data module alows you to use Micronaut Data with Coherence as a back end data store.

Micronaut Messaging Support

Finally, the micronaut-coherence module provides support for Micronaut Messaging using Coherence Topics.

Micronaut Caching Support

The micronaut-coherence-cache module adds support for using Coherence as a back end for Micronaut Cache.

Micronaut Distributed Config Support

The micronaut-coherence-distributed-configuration module adds support for using Coherence as a store for Micronaut Distributed Configuration.

Micronaut HTTP Sessions Support

The micronaut-coherence-session module adds support for using Coherence as a store for Micronaut HTTP Sessions.

The goal for the Micronaut Coherence integration is to make development of Micronaut applications and microservices with a Coherence back end as simple as possible, and we believe we’ve made great strides towards it in this release.

To see how many of the features above work together, check out Micronaut server implementation of our To Do List sample application.

You can run Micronaut services and Coherence cluster members in the same or different JVMs, access Coherence using Micronaut Data, use Micronaut Messaging to publish and consume messages stored in Coherence NamedTopics, and use Coherence as a back end data store for Micronaut Caching, Distributed Config, and HTTP Sessions.

The complete documentation for the currently supported features is available here.

We plan to add support for asynchronous and reactive Micronaut Data repositories, and polish some of the existing features that may be a bit “rough around the edges” at the moment for Milestone 2, which is tentatively planned for late April/early May.

The final release should coincide with the release of Coherence CE 21.06 later in June.



Aleks Seovic
Oracle Coherence

Father of three, husband; Coherence Architect @ Oracle; decent tennis player, average golfer; sailor at heart, trapped in a power boat