Say Hello to Coherence Community Edition 24.03!

Randy Stafford
Oracle Coherence
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2024
Galaxy NGC 2403 in the constellation Camelopardalis
Galaxy NGC 2403 in the constellation Camelopardalis

The Coherence team is pleased to announce the availability of Coherence Community Edition (CE) release 24.03 today, compatible with Helidon 4, supporting Java 21 and 17, and containing a number of enhancements and fixes. This is a non-LTS release, supported until the next Community Edition release, 24.09 in September.

Elements of the release are:

Coherence CE 24.03 contains the following new features:

  • Compatibility with Helidon 4 — released in late October 2023, Helidon 4 is the first microservice framework rebuilt from scratch on Java 21 virtual threads. Coherence and Helidon have been closely integrated since the launch of Coherence CE four years ago, enabling productive development of high-scale stateful microservices. We are thrilled to announce a version of Coherence CE compatible with this groundbreaking latest version of Helidon.
  • Support for OpenTelemetry — Coherence CE already supported distributed tracing when it was launched in June 2020. That support was initially based on the OpenTracing project and APIs. Since the Cloud Native Computing Foundation archived the OpenTracing project two years ago in favor of its OpenTelemetry project, Coherence CE 24.03 adds support for OpenTelemetry (and retains support for OpenTracing).
  • Query performance optimizations — the Coherence product architects and engineering team invested in improving the performance of certain Coherence queries and other filtered operations for the 24.03 release, and the results are significant. The improvements leverage partitioned indexes to parallelize query execution within storage members. Tests show substantial execution time reductions for certain operations.
  • Partition-level statistics — a new operation on StorageManager MBean returns the entry count and data size in memory per partition for the cache, service, and member managed. This level of data, from the important concept of partitions in Coherence, enhances the observability of Coherence in user applications.
  • Distributed BlockingQueues — in an enhancement to the coherence-concurrent module, i.e. Coherence-backed implementations of java.util.concurrent types, CE 24.03 introduces implementations of java.util.Queue and Deque, and java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue and BlockingDeque. These new cache-backed implementations further enhance Coherence’s ability to support process coordination through the grid.

In addition to the above new features, CE 24.03 contains a dozen other more minor enhancements in the areas of performance, observability, Gradle support, and ease of use. It also contains 59 bug fixes. For a complete list of enhancements and fixes, please refer to the release notes.

With support for Helidon 4, and important observability and performance improvements, Coherence CE 24.03 is ready to take on your most demanding stateful microservices projects.

