What You Should Not Do Before Getting A Tattoo

Quincy Martin
Oracle Tattoo Gallery
5 min readDec 13, 2022
Oracle Tattoo Gallery | What You Should Not Do Before Getting A Tattoo

After you decide to get a tattoo, you want to ensure the process goes smoothly. There are a few things you need to avoid before a session. Some of these things could make you uncomfortable, while others can damage your tattoo. Here is what you should not do before getting a tattoo.

Drink Alcohol

Any professional tattoo artist will never work on a drunk individual. It is illegal to tattoo an intoxicated person. Even if you do not seem drunk and get a tattoo, you could experience some issues. Alcohol will thin the blood, causing excess bleeding during the session. All that blood can affect how the artist can trace and tattoo on your skin, which can compromise the final result.

As you may know, alcohol can impair your judgment. You might think one design is the right option for you, but you may not be happy when you get sober. You should never choose a design when drunk. You will regret your decision. Unfortunately, you will be stuck with that poor decision for a very long time.

Alcohol also changes how you will react to certain situations. You may feel restless and jittery, which will become a problem for your artist. Not only can that ruin a tattoo, but it can cause the needle to be pushed more deeply into the skin.

Use Blood Thinning Medication

Taking aspirin or ibuprofen will act like a blood-thinning agent. You will want to stay away from these drugs for at least 48 hours before a session. If you do take these pills, you may experience excessive bleeding during the appointment. Once again, your artist may have trouble with the excess blood on the skin. Additionally, it can take longer to heal since the blood cannot clot quickly.

Going Out in the Sun

When you spend time outdoors without sunscreen, it can lead to a sunburn. Any excessive sun exposure can cause damage, leading to drying and peeling of the skin. You cannot get a tattoo if you have visual damage to your skin. Not only will it hurt, but you will not get the desired results.

Damaged skin can also lead to a tattoo infection and slow healing. After you have left the studio, you will need to protect it from the sun to avoid fading the ink.

Consume Caffeine

You may want to drink a cup of coffee before sitting for a session, but that is not a good idea. A little caffeine can give you a boost. However, caffeine is known to cause other problems, such as thinning out the blood or drying the skin. Even a little caffeine can make you restless and jittery, especially if you drink coffee and energy drinks. Caffeine can even inhibit the healing process of your tattoo.

Avoid Showering

All tattoo artists want their clients to be fresh and clean. If you skip taking a shower, it can be a very uncomfortable experience for the artist. Remember that your artist will get close to your body. The last thing you want is to smell bad.

Skipping a shower can also leave bacteria on the skin, which can transfer into the open wound. Some places on the body can also breed more bacteria, including the armpits and genital areas. If you have a tattoo placed in those spots, a lot of bacteria could transfer to your ink.

Wear Tight Clothes

When it comes to your tattoo session, you will want to wear comfortable and loose clothes. Making sure you wear comfortable clothes will mean you can lie or sit down. Tight garments can cut off blood flow. Plus, you might not be able to breathe correctly. You will also want to ensure the area for the tattoo is accessible to the artist. Consider wearing shorts or loose-fitting shirts. All that can help to make the tattoo process easier for you and your artist.

Partying the Night Before

Along with avoiding drinking alcohol, you don’t want to stay up all night and head to the shop. Not getting the right amount of rest can affect your immune system, making you feel groggy, restless, tired, and jittery. You might even start to feel anxious about the process. That can affect your tattoo experience and inhibit proper skin healing.

Be Prepared for Your Tattoo

Getting a tattoo requires some preparation. You must be hydrated, well-rested, and de-stressed to prepare for the session. If your skin is damaged or you have been drinking, it is not the right time to head to the tattoo studio. It is better to wait than to have a poor experience with your tattoo. Taking care of your health and yourself before getting a tattoo is essential.

It can affect the final product if you are not in the right mindset or physical shape. In some cases, being unprepared can cause your new ink to look terrible or lead to health issues. Plus, you can make the artist feel uncomfortable during the session. Getting a tattoo is a serious undertaking, and you need to be prepared for your next appointment.

Reach Out To Oracle Tattoo Gallery

At Oracle Tattoo Gallery, we will be happy to help you find your next tattoo. Our highly skilled and talented artists specialize in a wide range of styles and designs. If you need any helpful hints to prepare for your next session, give us a call. Schedule a consultation by calling 215–638–1601.

