Eclipse Collections 10.4.0 Released

Nikhil Nanivadekar
3 min readAug 23, 2020


View of the Grinnell Glacier from overlook point after a grueling 9 mile hike

This is a release which we had not planned for, but we released it nonetheless.

This must be the first time since we open sourced Eclipse Collections that we performed two releases within the same month.

Changes in Eclipse Collections 10.4.0

There are only 2 changes in the 10.4.0 release compared to the feature rich 10.3.0 release viz.

  • Added CharAdapter.isEmpty(), CodePointAdapter.isEmpty(), CodePointList.isEmpty(), as JDK-15 introduced CharSequence.isEmpty().
  • Fixed Javadoc errors.

Why was release 10.4.0 necessary?

In today’s rapid deployment world, it should not be a novel aspect that a project performs multiple releases. However, the Eclipse Collections maintainer team, performs releases when one or more of the below criteria are satisfied:

  1. A bulk of features are ready to be released
  2. A user requests a release for their use case
  3. JDK-EA compatibility is breaking
  4. It has been more than 6 months that a version is released

The Eclipse Collections 10.4.0 release was necessary due to point #3. Eclipse Collections participates in the Quality Outreach program of Open JDK. As a part of this program the library is expected to test the Early Access (EA) versions of Java and identify potential issues in the library or the JDK. I had missed setting up the JDK-15-EA builds until after Eclipse Collections 10.3.0 was released. After setting up the JDK-15-EA builds on 16 August 2020, I found compiler issues in the library due to isEmpty() added as a default method on CharSequence. Stuart Marks has written an in-depth blog of why this new default method broke compatibility. So, we had 2 options, let the library not be compatible with JDK-15, or release a new version with the fix. The Eclipse Collections team believes in supporting Java versions from Java 8 to Java-EA. After release 10.3.0, we had opened a new major version target (11.0.0), but the changes required did not warrant a new major version. So, we decided to release 10.4.0 with the fixes to support JDK-15. Eclipse Collections 10.4.0 release is compatible with JDK-15 and JDK-16-EA.

Thank you

To the vibrant and supportive Eclipse Collections community on behalf of contributors, committers, and maintainers for using Eclipse Collections. We hope you enjoy Eclipse Collections 10.4.0.

I am a Project Lead and Committer for the Eclipse Collections OSS project at the Eclipse Foundation. Eclipse Collections is open for contributions.

Show your support, star us on GitHub.

Eclipse Collections Resources:
Eclipse Collections comes with it’s own implementations of List, Set and Map. It also has additional data structures like Multimap, Bag and an entire Primitive Collections hierarchy. Each of our collections have a rich API for commonly required iteration patterns.

  1. Website
  2. Source code on GitHub
  3. Contribution Guide
  4. Reference Guide

Photo of the blog: I took the photo after hiking to the Grinnell Glacier overlook point. It was a strenuous hike, but the view from up top made it worth it. I picked this photo, to elaborate the sense of accomplishment after completing a release in a short amount of time.



Nikhil Nanivadekar

Lead Eclipse Collections:, Java Champion. I enjoy hiking, skiing, reading. All opinions stated by me are my own. Twitter @nikhilnanivade