Lessons learned when upgrading to Terraform 0.12- part 2

Ali Mukadam
Oracle Developers
Published in
5 min readOct 14, 2019

In a previous post, I went through a list of things to do when upgrading to Terraform 0.12. These consisted of:

  1. fixing breaking changes
  2. using first-class expressions
  3. using improved conditionals
  4. Using dynamic blocks to reduce code repetition
  5. Upgrading self-contained modules

In this post, I’ll mainly concentrate on using rich types and type constraints.

Primitive types

A primitive type is, as the definition says, a simple type that is not made from any other types. Primitive types are string, number and bool.

Terraform automatically converts numbers and boolean values to string and vice-versa when needed. It’s good practice, however, to explicitly define your variable type to avoid ambiguity.

Complex types

A complex type is a type that groups multiple values into a single value.

There are 2 complex types:

  1. collections: list, map, set
  2. structural: object, tuple

Collection types are usually multiple values of the same type grouped under a single collection e.g.

// list of integers
gitlab_lb_ports = [22, 80, 443]
// map of [string,integers]
variable "availability_domains" {
description = "ADs where to provision non-OKE resources"
type = "map"
default = {
bastion = 1

Occasionally, you may also need to mix types. You can either create custom structural types or use tuples. We’ll come back to structural types shortly but let’s see what tuples offer us.

A tuple allows you to define a sequence of elements and their respective types e.g.

//vcn_name, cidr, create_nat_gateway         
variable vcn = tuple([string,string,bool])

When using tuples, your values must match the same number and type of parameters in the specified order e.g.

// bad tuple based on the above definition
vcn = [false,"my_vcn",""]
//good tuple
vcn = ["my_vcn","",false]

As you can see, the order and type of variables matter with tuples.

A structural type allows you to create any object schema e.g.

variable "oke_identity" {
type = object({
compartment_id = string
user_id = string
variable "oke_bastion" {
type = object({
bastion_public_ip = string
create_bastion = bool
enable_instance_principal = bool

Additionally, a structural type can also contain an attribute of type collection e.g.

variable "oke_general" {
type = object({
ad_names = list(string)
label_prefix = string
region = string
variable "oke_network_vcn" {
type = object({
ig_route_id = string
is_service_gateway_enabled = bool
nat_route_id = string
newbits = map(number)
subnets = map(number)
vcn_cidr = string
vcn_id = string

When an attribute consists of a collection type, you must also specify the type of values as highlighted above.

Occasionally, you may need to also pass a collection of mixed types which you can then retrieve via the collection functions. In this case, you can use the ‘any’ type e.g.

variable "node_pools" {
type = map(any)
description = "number of node pools"

allows us to pass values like these:

node_pools = {
"np1" = ["VM.Standard.E2.1", 3]
"np2" = ["VM.Standard2.1", 4]
"np3" = ["VM.Standard.E2.2", 5]

Now, that you know how to define the types, 3 final questions remain:

  1. how do you create structural types
  2. how to use/reuse them when using modules/sub-modules
  3. how to specify root variables

Creating structural types

If you are familiar with Object-Oriented (OOP) principles, you can define your types accordingly. e.g. in the terraform-oci-oke project, we define a set of objects that group the variables:

variable "oci_base_identity" {
type = object({
api_fingerprint = string
api_private_key_path = string
compartment_id = string
compartment_name = string
tenancy_id = string
user_id = string
variable "oci_base_ssh_keys" {
type = object({
ssh_private_key_path = string
ssh_public_key_path = string

You would usually group attributes of a particular object/resource or related parameters together e.g. oci_base_identity contains the identity-related attributes whereas oci_base_ssh_keys contains the public and private ssh key pair paths.

Using structural types with modules/submodules

If you have several modules, I found it a good practice to prefix the variable name with the module name so I know where these variables are used.

//base module variables
_identity = {
oci_base_ssh_keys = {
oci_base_general = {
//oke_module variables
oke_general = {
oke_bastion = {
//oke_network variables
oke_network_vcn = {

Specifying root variables

This one is probably going to be a bit contentious but here’s my take:

  1. if your terraform project is a reusable module and will be reused by another project, use structural types in your root variables
  2. if your terraform project will be used to actually create infrastructure and not intended for reuse, use a flat structure and simple/collection types when possible

In the 1st case, developers will be writing code against your root variables (effectively your module’s APIs). As such, they’ll be expected to understand your variables and their types in order to effectively call and reuse your module. They might even read your code.

Using structural types also helps in reducing the amount of boilerplate code they would have to write e.g. in Terraform 0.11, without object types, we had to do this to define and reuse the base module:

module "base" {  
source = "./modules/base"

# identity
api_fingerprint = "${var.api_fingerprint}"
api_private_key_path = "${var.api_private_key_path}"
compartment_name = "${var.compartment_name}"
compartment_ocid = "${var.compartment_ocid}"
tenancy_ocid = "${var.tenancy_ocid}"
user_ocid = "${var.user_ocid}"
ssh_private_key_path = "${var.ssh_private_key_path}"
ssh_public_key_path = "${var.ssh_public_key_path}"
# general label_prefix = "${var.label_prefix}"
region = "${var.region}"
# networking newbits = "${var.newbits}"
subnets = "${var.subnets}"
vcn_cidr = "${var.vcn_cidr}"
vcn_dns_name = "${var.vcn_dns_name}"
vcn_name = "${var.vcn_name}"
create_nat_gateway = "${var.create_nat_gateway}"
nat_gateway_name = "${var.nat_gateway_name}"
create_service_gateway = "${var.create_service_gateway}"
service_gateway_name = "${var.service_gateway_name}"
# bastion
bastion_shape = "${var.bastion_shape}"
create_bastion = "${var.create_bastion}"
enable_instance_principal ="${var.enable_instance_principal}"
image_ocid = "${var.image_ocid}"
image_operating_system = "${var.image_operating_system}"
image_operating_system_version = "${var.image_operating_system_version}"
# availability_domains
availability_domains = "${var.availability_domains}"}

Compare this in Terraform 0.12 when using object types:

module "base" {  
source = "./modules/base"

# identity
oci_base_identity = local.oci_base_identity
# ssh keys
oci_base_ssh_keys = local.oci_base_ssh_keys
# general oci parameters
oci_base_general = local.oci_base_general
# vcn parameters
oci_base_vcn = local.oci_base_vcn
# bastion parameters
oci_base_bastion = local.oci_base_bastion

and you can do the dirty work in locals:

locals {     oci_base_identity = {    
api_fingerprint = var.api_fingerprint
api_private_key_path = var.api_private_key_path
compartment_name = var.compartment_name
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
tenancy_id = var.tenancy_id
user_id = var.user_id

oci_base_ssh_keys = {
ssh_private_key_path = var.ssh_private_key_path
ssh_public_key_path = var.ssh_public_key_path

Finally, as you add new features to your module and publish new versions to the registry, you can use Semantic Versioning to ensure that users of your modules and their downstream users do not run into compatibility problems. This is the approach we took in the reusable terraform-oci-base module. Reusing it will then look like the following:

module "base" {
source = "mybase"
version = "1.0.1"

In the 2nd case, the end users are not developers and they’ll need to create variable files when running Terraform. It is therefore easier for them to create variable files if the structure is flat. My inspiration for this approach is TOML, which “aims to be minimal configuration file format that’s easy to read due to obvious semantics.”

While the terraform variable file structure is not strictly TOML-compliant, the purpose here is to make it easy for users to create a configuration file, so keeping a flat structure for your root variables, in this case, is preferable. This is the approach we took in the terraform-oci-oke module.

Terraform tip: summing a list of numbers using for

I found this little gem while trying to figure out how to sum a list of numbers.


Use the following approaches when using rich types:

  1. If your project is a reusable module, use rich types in your root variables. Otherwise, use a flat structure to keep it simple to use for end-users.
  2. Explicitly specify the type of your variables
  3. Group your variables using OOP principles
  4. Prefix your variable names with the module name where they are used
  5. Use collections when possible and specify the type of values they will be using
  6. Nice Robot helpfully suggested doing concatenation in locals. Take it further and do your object initialization in locals.

