Multiple row selection in ojTable using Oracle JET 4.0

Daniel Curtis
Oracle Developers
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2017

I originally wrote this blog post using v3 of JET, and just as I was about to publish, v4 was released. I have therefore updated it to work with the v4 updates. If anyone wanted to see the v3 content — please get in touch!

This article will outline the steps needed to retrieve the row selection information from an ojTable, within an Oracle JET application. In the examples used within this post, I am using the basic ojTable from the Oracle Cookbook, which is currently on the newly released version 4 of Oracle JET.

Assuming you have your ojTable setup, first create a button on your page which will be used to invoke the actions needed on your selected rows, eg:


<oj-button id='button1' on-click='[[buttonClick]]'>Process Departments</oj-button>


this.buttonClick = function () {
// Our process code will go here

See the screenshot below, here we have selected two chunks of rows; 0 to 3 (4 rows) and 5 to 6 (two rows):

Table selection of rows 0–3 and 5–6

To output the selected rows, you simply have to bind to the table as follows:

// Get the selected rows from the table
var getSelectedRows = document.getElementById('table').selection;
Output of getSelectedRows

Now that we know how to get the selected row index’s, we need to include the button click logic to find the selected data and process it.

Create an obserable array globally in your viewModel:

self.selectedDepartments = ko.observableArray();

Then add the following logic into your buttonClick function:

this.buttonClick = function () {   // Get the selected rows from the table
var getSelectedRows = document.getElementById('table').selection;
// Ensure the selected departments array is clear
// Loop through the selected rows
$.each(getSelectedRows, function (key, value) {
// Retrieve the table row data
var itemModel =;
// Loop through the row data between the start and end indexes
for (var n = value.startIndex.row; n <= value.endIndex.row; ++n) {
if (itemModel.length > 0) {
var modelObject = itemModel[n]
// Add the selected departments to an array
depId: modelObject.DepartmentId,
depName: modelObject.DepartmentName,
locId: modelObject.LocationId,
mngId: modelObject.ManagerId
} }); /* Here you can use the contents of self.selectedDepartments to process actions on the selected rows. */ console.log(self.selectedDepartments);}

All of the selected row data is stored within self.selectedEmployees, which can be processed as required.

For my example I do not have any process logic, so I have just outputted the contents of the selectedEmployees array when my button is clicked:

Output of selected rows


Further Reading

Row selection using arrow keys in Oracle Jet —


view code

<oj-button id='button1' on-click='[[buttonClick]]'>Process Departments</oj-button><br><br><span data-bind="visible: selectedDepartments().length">Processed the following departments:</span><ul data-bind="foreach: selectedDepartments()"><li><span data-bind="text: depId"> </span> -<span data-bind="text: depName"> </span></li></ul><br><oj-table id='table' aria-label='Departments Table' selection-mode='{"row": "multiple", "column": "multiple"}'  data='[[datasource]]' columns-default.sortable='disabled' columns='[{"headerText": "Department Id","field": "DepartmentId"},{"headerText": "Department Name","field": "DepartmentName"},{"headerText": "Location Id","field": "LocationId"},{"headerText": "Manager Id","field": "ManagerId"}]'></oj-table>



Daniel Curtis
Oracle Developers

Lead Front End Developer at Griffiths Waite - JET, React, ADF & WCS. Author of Practical Oracle JET ( & Oracle Ace