New Features in the September Release of Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service

Shay Shmeltzer
Oracle Developers
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2017

If you are a user of Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service, you might have noticed some new features in your environment when you came back to work after the long weekend. We rolled out a new version that has a bunch of useful new features for developers. Here is a quick recap of new capabilities you can leverage today!

Import/Export Data Command Line — do you need to automate importing or extracting data from custom objects in VBCS? Now you can do it with the new command line interface. This can be useful for things like daily data load, or replicating data to an external reporting system.

Sending Emails from Actions — VBCS can now send emails for you. A new “Send Email Notification” is available in your action flow editor. You can define reusable email template and pass parameters to them. For example — you can define that an email will be sent to an employee when their salary is updated.

Chart Summaries — need to show the sum of data in a chart — now there is an easy way to do it. This is not limited just to sums of course — you can do other type of aggregated calculation such as avg, count, max and min .

Advanced Relationships — we now offer a nice interface for defining relationships between business objects. And we added support for m:m and 1:1 mapping too.

Row Level Security — need to make sure not everyone sees the full data you have in a custom object? Now you can limit which rows are shown to which role based on values in the fields of each row.

There are more new features included in this release — so don’t miss reading our what’s new doc — which will also point you to detailed docs about these features.

We’ll be blogging on these features in more details soon — so keep an eye open on our channel —



Shay Shmeltzer
Oracle Developers

Director of Product Management — Oracle Cloud Development Tools